9 Surprising Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Most households have a bottle of apple cider vinegar (ACV) sitting in their pantry. But other than salad dressing, did you know that ACV has a wide array of uses and benefits? Research shows it has numerous benefits from reducing cholesterol to helping shed weight.

To maximize ACV benefits, search for the organic and unfiltered containing the ‘mother’ or strands of enzymes, proteins, and good bacteria. Begin by taking one or two teaspoons per day, mixed in a glass of water in the morning or before meals. In this article, we are going to delve further into the many surprising health benefits apple cider vinegar has to offer.
1. Reduces Cholesterol

This is one of the popular and surprising benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar. People with high cholesterol levels can benefit from ACV’s properties. According to a 2012 study candidates with high-fat levels in their blood had substantially lower triglyceride and harmful blood lipids levels after taking two tablespoons of ACV two times per day for two months.
2. Helps with Indigestion

If you suffer from stomach problems like acid reflux, bloating, and indigestion, ACV can help when taken before the meal. It is especially worth taking ACV as a preventative measure if you will be consuming foods you have reacted to in the past.
Add a teaspoon of ACV and one teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water, stir, and drink it half an hour before the meal.
3. Soothes Sore Throats

Do you feel a sore throat about to occur? Well, you can stop it in its tracks with ACV. This product contains acetic acid which kills bacteria, preventing them from multiplying, and reaching harmful stages.
For a sore throat, mix a quarter cup of ACV with a quarter cup of warm water and gaggle every hour as necessary.
4. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels

ACV can also help reduce glucose levels, making it a feasible treatment for type-2 diabetes patients.
According to a study done in 2007, insulin-resistant candidates experienced reduced fasting blood glucose levels after consuming ACV right before bedtime. Another 2004 study showed that the product reduced insulin fluctuations during high carb meals and substantially minimized blood glucose as well as insulin responses.
5. Boosts Energy Levels

If you are feeling tired, ACV can help increase your energy levels. It contains enzymes and potassium, thus acting as an electrolyte solution. In addition, the amino acids in the product counteract the build-up of lactic acid in your body thus alleviating fatigue. To gain a boost of energy, add a tablespoon of ACV to a glass of water.
6. Aids with Weight Loss

While there is no holy-grail product when it comes to weight loss, ACV has been shown to suppress appetite. AVC’s acetic acid tames hunger, reduces water retention, and boosts metabolism.
A 2009 study in Japan found that consuming ACV daily reduced both body fat mass and body weight in obese participants in 12 weeks. The study theorized that ACV reduces the rate at which sugars are released into the bloodstream, thus reducing appetite.
7. Clear Acne

If you struggle with acne, you can use ACV for clear skin. Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that help keep acne under control The acetate acid exfoliates and softens the skin, gets rid of red spots as well as balances the pH of the skin. Also, ACV makes an excellent natural toner, leaving your skin looking healthier.
8. Gets Rid of Bad Breath

If you have trouble with bad breath even after thoroughly brushing your teeth, then gargle using apple cider vinegar. The acetic acid found in ACV has antibacterial properties that get rid of the odor-causing bacteria. Mix a teaspoon of ACV with water and drink or gargle to get rid of the bad breath.
9. Helps with Leg Cramps

If you have been experiencing leg cramps, it might be a sign that you have low potassium levels. ACV is a food source of this mineral and helps alleviate the pain of Charlie’s horse. For the best results, mix two tablespoons of ACV and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water and drink as necessary.