Catching Up With The Legend Of The Dream Catchers!

Having a dream catcher hanging in your room or making them for special occasions has become the new trend. Of late, the number of people who buy dream catchers has increased drastically! But the number of people who buy it for the trend or because of its pretty looks is high. Only a few people know the actual meaning and the history behind the same.

What is the origin of the Dreamcatcher?
The dream catcher is associated with the Native American culture and is said to have its origins dated back to the times of the Ojibwa Chippewa tribe in particular. In a parallel version, a different version of the dream catcher is said to have been noticed even in the culture of the Lakota tribe. These two tribes have the largest population in USA and Canada.
The tribes have been maintaining the tradition of making these dream catchers and passing it down from one generation to the other very diligently. This is what kept this age-old tradition alive!
What are Dream catchers made of?
The authentic and traditional Dream catchers are hand-made and made up of natural materials and are a few small inches across in size. Branches of the Red Willow are bent and used for making the hoops of the dream catcher. A few pieces of leather is also attached to the circles.

On the other hand, contemporary dream catchers comprise of a wooden hoop and are made up of natural fibers. Lucky charms, beads, and feathers are hung from the bottom of the circle. The modern dream catchers come in different sizes, and most of them are also made out of plastic.
History of Dreamcatchers!
While many people find spiders creepy and scary, the Ojibwe tribe found them to be symbols of comfort and protection. Legend has it that a mythical and maternal ‘Spider Woman’ protects the families of the Ojibwe tribe by looking after their children and young infants. She is seen to be the spiritual protector of the tribe.
As the tribe grew in size and number, they spread across different lands. It became difficult for The Spider Woman to watch over all the members. Thus, she created the first dream catcher. Following her footsteps, mothers and grandmothers make dream catchers for their children and hang it in their room.
The dream catcher is supposed to be hung in the places which get the first few rays of the sun. It’s said to absorb the bad dreams and nightmares into its web and filter out good vibes for children. It helps them to sleep better and have positive vibes.
The symbolic meaning of the Dreamcatcher!
Every aspect of the Dreamcatcher carries a specific meaning. The shape of the dream catcher is a circle which symbolizes the circle of life. The web design on the inside is to filter out the negative thoughts and bad dreams. The feathers attached to it act as a cushion that helps the sweet dreams and thoughts gently descend upon the sleeping child.
The beads symbolize the Spider Woman herself. She is the web weaver, and it is important that she is part of the dream catcher. Other versions of the reference include the beads to be the good dreams that are descending upon the kid.
Every cultural symbol has a significance and reference behind it. It is essential to understand the tradition and reasoning behind these symbols. Because, at the end of the day, the positive vibes come when we believe in these symbols. It is not magic in the emblem that protects us, but the magic of belief in it that protects the positive energy around us.

Love the History of Dreamcatchers, a wonderful legend !!