
  • Health and WellnessLady suffering from reflux

    Could reflux medication be causing you harm?

    Ranitidine, also known as Zantac, is a medicine that reduces stomach acid production. Peptic ulcer disease, Zollinger–Ellison syndrome, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are among the conditions for which it is commonly prescribed. It can be administered orally, intramuscularly, or intravenously. In addition to acid indigestion, Zantac is used to treat heartburn and stomach ulcers, among its most common uses.…

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  • LifestyleBoundaries To Set For The Holidays

    10 Boundaries To Set For The Holidays

    Maintaining boundaries is very important for a person at times. A person needs to know when and how to put their boundaries, and others should always respect them and should not cross that line no matter how close they are to them. Boundaries during the holidays should be a must as making the most out of it by enjoying it…

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  • EducationFactors To Consider While Choosing A Career Path

    30 Factors To Consider While Choosing A Career Path

    Choosing a career path may be both exhilarating and daunting at the same time. Some individuals are born knowing what they want to do and where they wish to go in life. A bulk of people try to fit in whatever job opportunities they are offered. Whether you are a graduate or not, deciding on a career path is critical…

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  • Health and WellnessBenefits Of Using Aloe Vera

    30 Benefits Of Using Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera unquestionably tops the list of all-natural substances with therapeutic powers! There are several uses and advantages of aloe vera gel for the face. The advantages of aloe vera for the face are many and range from curing burned skin to minimizing acne. This plant’s gel-like byproduct can be used to treat hair loss as well as a variety…

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  • LifestyleThings We Can't Control

    25 Things We Can’t Control

    Not everything is in our hands. Sometimes, we should just let things be and simply go with the flow. We should learn to let go of the things that we cannot control and stop overthinking them. 25 Things We Can’t Control 1. How other people treat us We cannot control how other people treat us. It is not in our…

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