Would you dare to lie down on a table and then, allow snakes or pythons to crawl all over yourself?
Hell, no. First things first, snakes are extremely creepy and scary. Why would I go near one, let alone allow them to crawl all over my body?
Well, Snakes Massage is a thing now. And, it is actually very beneficial and relaxing. More importantly, very popular.

The Bali Heritage Reflexology and Spa in Jakarta, Indonesia offers a unique massage in which they allow pythons and other snakes to crawl all over the customer’s body. So, get ready for a full body massage provided by our very own snake masseuse.
Apparently, the slithering movement of the snake frightens people and the brain is switched to the flight\fight mode. This adrenaline rush has a positive impact on the human metabolism.
All are the reptiles used here are obviously, non-venomous. You need not worry about the bites (well, at least the staff says so). Before the 90-minute treatment, the snakes are taken out of the plastic boxes and are cleaned with antiseptic.
The snakes and pythons drape themselves over your neck, roll around on your stomach and back and occasionally stick out their forked tongues.

You could probably use this treatment to get rid of, not only your fear of snakes but also stress. Talking about de-stress, it kinda feels strange that they expect people to stay calm while two pythons slither across your body, the way they please.
The snake massage is just one of the 300 treatments offered by the center. But, this particular treatment is the most talked about.

It is said that the snake massage is very effective since it improves the blood flow to the heart which helps in decreasing the risk of heart diseases. It is believed that once you’ve overcome the initial fear, this unique massage with snakes sliding all over your body, will relieve the tension in each ofyour muscle and hence relieve the stress.
There’s a place called Wholeness Center in Valley Cottage, New York where Serpentessa, lets three or four of her beloved boas crawl around your body, for a soothing massage.
Serpentessa (Gretchen Brown) is a Snake Priestess. She has been living with Serpents for the past 20 years. Snake priestess Serpentessa is with you the whole time to make sure you don’t get choked out during the session.

Then, there’s another spa in Israel, which uses not one, but six different non-venomous snakes for the snake spa. The snake spa is very relaxing and it also alleviates muscle pain and soreness. It costs somewhere between $100.
The size of the snake depends on the type of massage – the larger the snake, the more effective the massage.
But, Customers need to follow a few strict rules to make sure that the experience stays pleasant. No jerky or sudden movements, you need to lay down calmly. Most importantly, do not scream even if you’re scared, it’ll confuse the snakes, they’ll perceive you as a threat and you might end up getting hurt.
Scary or not, the snake massage is gaining popularity nowadays.
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