18 Ways to detect a Migraine

Migraines are pulsating headaches, often occurring on one side of the head. Around 30 million people in the United States alone suffer from a migraine. Three times the number of women than men.
In patients who have migraines, all headaches are treated as potential migraines, says Anne Calhoun the partner and co-founder of the California Headache Institute, in Chapel Hill. Any form of physical activity may intensify the pain, yet the symptoms may differ from one person to another.
Here are 18 ways to detect a migraine
1. Aura

Some people who experience migraine experience an aura. The common auras are visual, which include flickering lights, spots or lines. Auras mostly last for five minutes to an hour, with a 60 minute “skip phase” before the pain from the headache sets in. But some patients may experience auras even without a migraine headache or a headache at all.
2. Depression, Irritability, or Excitement.

Mood swings or mood changes can be a sign of migraines. Patients may feel very depressed or down for suddenly no reason at all or may feel high without any cause whatsoever. Dutch researchers have reported a possible genetic link between depression and migraines, especially migraines with auras.
The presented data at the American Academy of Neurology 2010 annual meeting suggests that severe or moderate depression increases the chances of reoccurring migraines.
3. Lack of Restful Sleep.

People with migraine commonly wake up tired or have trouble going to sleep. Studies have also shown an association between lack of sleep and frequency and intensity of migraines. A lot of patients suffer from insomnia due to migraines. When people are struck with a migraine they find it very difficult to sleep.
4. Stuffy Nose Or Watery Eyes

People with migraines may have sinus symptoms like stuffy nose, clear nasal drainage, droopy eyelids, or tearing. One study found out that people with sinus related headaches suffer from migraines.
5. Cravings.

Some patients crave certain foods before the onset of their migraine. The most commonly craved food is chocolate.
6. Throbbing PainOn One Or Both Sides Of The Head.

Pulsating pain in either one or both sides of the head is a very classic sign of a migraine. In a recent survey, it has been found out that 50% of the patients experience throbbing on one side of the head every time.
7. Eye Pain

The pain of a migraine usually stems from behind the eye. People mostly blame the pain on eye strain and get their eyes checked but it doesn’t help with their headaches at all.
8. Neck Pain.

People complain of neck aches before or after their headaches. This mostly happens in the early stages of a migraine. In a survey, it was found that 31% of these people frequently suffered from neck pain.
9. Frequent Urination.

The patient tends to pee a lot, and if it is more than usual, the person may be suffering from a migraine. It is one of the prodrome phase signs for a migraine, these signs may appear an hour to 2 days before a headache.
10. Yawning

The patient yawns very frequently, once every few minutes. In a study, it was found that 36% of the patients reported that yawning is one of the signs of the onset of their migraine.
11. Numbness Or Tingling.

Some people feel numbness or pins and needles sensations in one side of their body, beginning from the fingertips through the arm, going up to the face.
12. Nausea And Vomiting

According to a survey, 70% of people suffering from migraines also suffer from nausea, and 30% suffer from vomiting. People who suffer from nausea during a migraine find it very difficult to feel relieved from medication for a migraine compared to those who do not suffer from nausea.
13. Light, Noise, Or Smells Trigger Pain

Bright lights and loud noises are triggers to migraines. Thus, people suffering from a migraine tend to remain in dark and quiet places. They also avoid strong smells and odours.
Strong smells can intensify the pain from a migraine.
14. Activity Worsens Or Triggers Pain

Migraines can also be caused due to certain physical activities. It may also worsen the pain.
15. Troubles In Speaking

Some patients find it difficult to talk or even speak a word due to extreme pain. It is a common problem for some. But if you are experiencing it for the first time it is recommended to consult a doctor.
16. Weakness In Only On One Side Of The Body

The person may experience a limp arm or numbness in one side of the body, but these can also be the symptoms of a heart attack so, you should consult a doctor just to make sure.
17. Vertigo Or Double Vision

People complain of vertigo or dizziness during or due to a migraine. Such Vertigos also have a direct effect on the intensity of the pain, thus doctors have stated that these are symptoms of migraines.
18. Headache Hangover

People experience fatigue, exertion, tiredness, and difficulty concentrating after a migraine has set in.