Dogs are the most precious gift to mankind. They are loyal, loving, caring, and very intelligent, but there is a lot more to them than all of this. These facts about dogs are really going to blow your mind and you will adore these creatures more than ever.
So here are some facts about dogs you probably didn’t know.
Unique Nose Print

We all love that cute little nose of our dog. This nose is not just highly adorable, but also very unique. Just like every human has a unique fingerprint, every dog has a unique nose print. These nose prints are used to precisely identify the dogs.
The Smaller the Longer

It is a fact that larger animals live longer than the smaller ones. But, man’s best friends defy this rule. It is observed by the scientists that, dogs of larger size don’t live as long as the smaller ones.
The life expectancy of a smaller breeds of dog is 12-14 and the larger breed is 8-10.
Aww! That Paw!

Dog’s paws are one of the most adorable part of their body. But did you know that dogs produce sweat from their paws? Dogs don’t sweat the same way humans do. Dogs have most of their sweat glands present on their paws. Also, they help in protection of the bones and joints in the foot.
How Smart is Your Dog?

It is observed that dogs are as smart as a 2-year-old child. They are known to understand more than 150 words and can deceive other dogs and people to get their doggie treats. The most intelligent breed of dog in obedience and working section is Border Collies.
Unsinkable Dogs

Including the passengers, Titanic also welcomed 12 dogs on-board. These dogs were brought by first class passengers, as Titanic was dog-friendly and had excellent kennel facilities.
When Titanic sank, 9 dogs died and 3 survived. The breed of these three dogs was a Pekinese, and two Pomeranians.
Weather Reporters

Dogs can sense bad weather. Dogs are capable of sensing the barometric pressure drop and any shift in the electric field, also dogs can hear the sound of a thunderstorm before we can hear them.

Like many other animals, dogs have whiskers too. These whiskers help them to experience their world. Whiskers, also called vibrissae, are highly sensitive to small changes in the air. It helps them to see things more clearly, even in the dark and can also sense danger by sensing vibrations in the air.
Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a sign of illness in your dog. It is a result of odor-producing bacteria that is build up in your dog’s mouth, lungs or guts. If bad breath is persistent, then your dog might need a check-up as it can indicate that something is wrong in their gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidneys.
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