
  • Educationhuman trafficking

    The Heinous Act Of Human Trafficking

    Though in the Indian Constitution, human trafficking is prohibited, it is still prevalent on a large scale in our country. It is one of the greatest organized atrocities, which includes the trafficking of thousands of children and women every year. One should not be of the view that human trafficking is all about women and children. Instead, it affects men…

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  • Factsdeadliest drugs in india

    The 4 Deadliest Drugs you can find in India

    55 billion dollars. 55 with 9 zeroes is the estimated value of the industry relying on drugs in India. The question is: what factors contribute to the growth of this self-destructive market? According to drugaware.com, drugs are substances (except food and water) that alter a person’s functioning physically and/or psychologically. On the grounds of law – drugs are classified as…

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  • FactsMarijuana Magic- the Science Behind this Drug

    Marijuana Magic- the Science Behind This Powerful Drug

    Ever wanted to do something illegal so desperately just to be a rebel and feel free? Yeah, me too. The one country that is the biggest consumer of marijuana undoubtedly is the USA. Although it is illegal to sell weed in most of the countries in the world, nothing stops the druggies hiding in different corners and gallivanting to their…

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  • Facts

    Kinds of Stuff You Can Legally Do In These 5 Nations!

    Of course, life turns out to be restrictive at times. Certainly, we have the liberty to seek peace and comfort simply within the speculations. When your pleasure legally challenges you to ride naked being tripped on LSD, then all that freedom begins to shrivel up. It is fortunate to have 196 nations with their own set of values and laws. In…

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  • Health and Wellnesseating disorder

    Did You Know How Disturbed Eating Behaviors Affect You?

    An eating disorder is an illness caused by troubled eating habits. It is ordinarily accompanied by severe distress about body weight, anxiety disorders, substance use, or depression. Eating disorders are serious physical as well as emotional problems and can have life-threatening consequences. Disturbances may comprise of inadequate or excessive food intake, which ultimately promotes damaged well-being. They can evolve at…

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