Health and Wellness
6 Nutrient Rich Edible Seeds Include Your Diet Today

Sometimes, little things do wonder! Just like a handful of edible seeds!
Have a look at the list of edible seeds with their benefits, right here!
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6 Nutrient Rich Edible Seeds Include Your Diet Today
1. Sunflower seeds
- These seeds are a very rich source of vitamin E, which is a fat-soluble vitamin, and very rich in antioxidants. This vitamin helps in healthy circulation of blood in the body.
- These edible seeds are a good source of vitamin B1 or Thiamine, which helps in deriving energy from the food. A handful of sunflower seeds gives you 0.4 mg of vitamin B1.
- Sunflower seeds are rich in copper, which helps in melanin production, which in turn helps in maintaining healthy skin and hair. Copper also helps in boosting metabolism.
How to use sunflower seeds in your diet?
- You can consume these seeds directly as a healthy snack.
- An alternative way of using these seeds is to soak it in water overnight and add it to purees. Or you can also make sunflower seeds butter. Better yet, you can use it as an alternative to peanut butter.
2. Chia seeds (sabja seeds)
- Rich in antioxidants, Chia seeds are a rich source of carbohydrates and proteins.
- Chia seeds contain Omega 3 fatty acids and dietary fiber.
- They are also packed with the goodness of calcium.
- Not only that, Chia seeds are an excellent source of plant protein.
How to use chia seeds in your diet?
- You can sprinkle chia seeds on your food and consume the food as you usually do.
- You can consume them with smoothies, oatmeal, cereals etc. What is more, you can also add chia seeds to your bowl of rice, yogurt, and salad.
3. Flaxseeds (Alsi)
- Flaxseeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
- They are also responsible for healthy hair and skin.
- These edible seeds help with weight loss.
- Flaxseeds also help to lower cholesterol levels.
- They also lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
How to use flaxseeds in your diet?
- Flaxseeds can be used as a mouth freshener.
- Roasted flax seeds can be used in your daily salads, oatmeal, and yogurt.
- Grounded flaxseeds can be used in baking cookies as well.
- Take flaxseeds in the recommended dosage only to avoid gastrointestinal issues.
4. Pumpkin seeds
- Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of protein.
- They provide healthy fats.
- Also, these seeds are a good source of zinc.
- Pumpkin seeds are packed with minerals such as potassium and iron.
- ½ cup of magnesium gives you about 92% of the recommended allowance of magnesium.
How to use pumpkin seeds in your diet?
- You can use it as a normal snacking item.
- You can use it in baking food items.
- Not only that, but you can also top these seeds with soy sauce.
- Apart from it, it can be added to the salads, oatmeal, and smoothies to make it more nutritious.
5. Hemp seeds
- These edible seeds are rich in essential fatty acids and amino acids.
- 1 tbsp. of hemp seeds contains 4g of protein and 1200 milligrams of fatty acids.
- Rich source of fiber.
- They are also rich in magnesium (very good source of muscle relaxation).
- Also, they are helpful in weight loss.
How to use hemp seeds in your diet?
- They can be added to the salad dressings and desserts.
- It can be added to the cereals or granola bars or it can be sprinkled on Italian dishes as well.
6. Watermelon Seeds
- Watermelon seeds are a rich source of magnesium, which helps in maintaining blood pressure.
- They are good sources of phosphorous, iron, potassium, sodium, copper, manganese and zinc.
- Also, they are a rich source of protein.
How to use watermelon seeds in your diet?
- You can munch it as a snack.
- You can use it in many healthy recipes.
- It can be made into a coarse powder and can be sprinkled on almost all the dishes.
- It can be used as an alternative to black pepper in buttermilk.
So hurry to add these edible seeds in your diet and make a difference to your lives!