
17 Common Period Superstitions Around The World

Periods and superstitions go hand in hand. There are a lot of myths revolving around women and their menstrual cycles. Since ancient times these superstitions have existed. Different countries have different superstitions and shocking sets of taboos that might give you goosebumps.

This article will provide you with some insightful knowledge about the various existing superstitions around the globe.

17 Common Period Superstitions Around The World

1. Not Entering The Kitchen

This is quite common in India and as well as foreign places. Many rural and urban setups believe that it is an ill omen when a girl who is on her period enters the kitchen. Menstruating girls are forbidden to enter the kitchen as they are considered unclean and unhygienic.

2. Not Washing Hair

Another superstitious practice that exists is that women should not wash their hair while menstruating because it might be difficult to wash them while bleeding. It is also a myth that while on your periods, you should not cut your hair.

3. Not Touching Things

It is so common to hear that women, while menstruating, aren’t allowed to touch the majority of the household things as they might get contaminated, or the things might get rotten, especially food items.


Staying away from plants is a common superstitious practice in India. When girls are on their period, they are asked to stay away from plants and flowers, especially sacred plants like Tulsi. As it is a myth that the plants, if touched by girls on their periods, will die or wither.

5. Staying in ISOLATION

In some rural communities of India, Nepal, and natives of Africa, it is an existing superstitious practice that while a girl is on her periods, she should be isolated for at least three or four days. This is because it is believed that she is unclean and dirty and should not be allowed to mix up with other people of the family as she might also make them unhygienic.

6. Not Visiting the Temple

This is the most common superstitious belief that exists mainly in Indian households. Temples are a place of religious importance and a symbol of purity, so if a girl in her period enters it, it will decrease the purity of that place, making it completely impure. So girls should not enter the temple according to Indian menstrual myths.

7. Not Bathing

In countries like America, Europe and India, it is a superstitious belief that girls should not take a bath while on periods as it might make them ill and prone to several diseases.


There is another common belief in several parts of the world that using tampons isn’t safe as they might rupture the hymen while women are on their periods. It is also a myth that women can lose their virginity if they use tampons. This is a very useless superstitious belief as many doctors recommend using tampons as they are safe to use during periods.


Period blood is considered evil in many places as it is regarded as very impure and dirty blood. In many areas, women are also subjected as evil because they menstruate.


In many European places, periods are regarded as some sort of magical phenomenon. The period blood is referred to as some magic. People also have a common myth in Europe that menstruating women can do black magic.

11. Period blood attracts GHOSTS

In many places, it is a superstitious belief that women, while bleeding, may attract ghosts. In Malaysia, there is a myth that girls should wash their pads before disposing of them, and if they don’t follow that, then the period blood could attract ghosts.

12. Not having SEX

In Poland, it is a common superstition that when a girl is on her period, she should not have sexual intercourse. The myth behind it is that if a man has sex with a girl during her period, he might die.

13. Not applying Nail Paint

In the Dominican Republic, a strange superstitious belief exists according to girls should not paint their nails or have lemonade when they are on their periods.


In the Philippines, when a girl gets her first period, according to the superstitious belief, she has to wash her face with her period blood as a ritual, and this is believed to give them clear skin.

15. Not going in the water

A common superstition that exists in many communities and countries is that while a girl is menstruating, she should not have any contact with water. In Italy, it is advised not to go to the beach, pool, or ocean.


In France, Italy, and India, girls while on their periods are suggested not to cook at all. It is believed that everything they cook will surely be disastrous, and even the food cooked by them is regarded as evil and unhygienic to consume.

17. Not touching a BABY

It is a superstitious belief that while a girl is on her periods, she should have less contact with the baby. In Bolivia, women, while menstruating, are advised not to cradle their babies. If babies come in contact with women during their periods, they shall get sick and be prone to several diseases.

These superstitions further lead to rising taboos not only in the rural communities but also the urban societies. Many serious atrocities and discrimination that are subjected to women have common roots of superstitious beliefs and practices. Due to the existence of these myths, it becomes very hard for women to deal with their periods and the problems that come attached to them.


Darsh is a blogger and previous owner of this website.

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