
11 Tips To Deal With A Teenager Who Talks Back

Teenage years are an equally sensitive and very crucial time for both the kids and the parents.

This is the time when kids are neither considered as children nor adults. Teenagers often like to take their own time figuring out things and might turn rebellious with age. This behaviour or habit can lead to endless arguments and backtalk with parents.

Most of the time, teenagers are verbally impulsive by nature. However, this doesn’t mean they should rudely talk back and behave disrespectfully. Studies or research shows how rude teenagers are likely to turn into rude adults.

11 Tips To Deal With A Teenager Who Talks Back

However, it’s a critical time to teach your teenager how to deal with anger without talking back, rolling his eyes, or slamming the door.

Hearing your teenager being rude or something can be infuriating. Many teens used colourful language to express their displeasure. Sometimes no matter what type of things your teen says, the way you respond to disrespect and discipline your teen will see in the future.

1. Try To Stay Calm

The first thing you need to understand, as apparent, is that you have to stay calm. If both you and your child start arguing, then it will undoubtedly lead to a heated conversation. Even further yelling and scolding might be caused to aggravate the situation. You must keep a check on your temper and always deal with teenagers calmly. However, yelling or arguing back will only escalate the situation. So sometimes, no matter what your teen says, that’s disrespectful, but as a  parent, you must stay calm.

You can try some ways to calm yourself down. You can take a deep breath, walk away, or develop a mantra to repeat over and over in your head. You should do whatever it takes to prevent your temper from getting the best of you.

2. Must Have Conversations

You must talk to your teenager about their day or what all problems they are facing. Most of the time, teenagers don’t have a medium to express their frustration, which builds up over time. So you should give your teen the much-needed pep talk, which will help them trust you when you are feeling low.

3. Don’t Snoop

When you try to be usually overprotective and snoopy, that can irritate teenagers. You should give them their privacy while ensuring that they are safe. No parent doesn’t care for their child; every parent has a genuine concern for their kids, but going overboard can make them feel annoyed over time.

4. Inculcate Respectful Behaviour

It would be best if you tried to teach respectful behaviour to your kids from the very beginning. It would help if you made them learn about the importance of being a respectful person and how it can help them as they grow. You should also inform them that this is a life skill; they can only seek respect if they respect others.

5. Teach With Examples

You can give frequent examples to your kids through motivational videos, messages, images, or stories, or you can talk about your experiences and examples. This will always keep reminding them about the importance of being humble and respectful.

6. Self Introspection

You must constantly self introspect after any such episode of backtalk. Before taking it out on your teenager, you must look up your behaviour pattern. However, usually, kids imbibe what they see and observe. Make sure you set the right example for your kids to learn and follow as they grow up.

7. Don’t Give In

Sometimes, parents fulfil all the child’s demands, which can sometimes cause an adverse effect in the future. You don’t have to give in to your teen’s demands easily. Make sure you stick to the basic rules set out for them at all times. Also, even if your kid blackmails or labels you as the worst parents in the world, make sure that you deal with the issue judiciously.

8. Set Some Basic Rules

Parenting that never gets old ever is old-school parenting. As a parent, make sure you always have some basic rules in place. Your teen must know their limit in terms of zero tolerance for disrespect or yelling at the parents. It would help if you made some basic rules that clarify which behaviours are acceptable and which behaviours won’t be tolerated.

Many parents don’t mind a few doors being slammed while other parents have a zero-tolerance policy. It would be best if you made it clear that certain behaviours, like name-calling, threats, and put-downs, will result in negative consequences.

9. Dig Deeper

You must be aware of when your child talks back and what he is expressing or feeling. It can be anger, frustration, fear, or hurt. Talking back guarantees that your will start paying attention, and negative attention is not good. These outbursts and other behaviour changes are very common during the transitions. Sometimes when a child feels ignored, they start to talk back to grab your attention. When you figured out the reason behind this behaviour, it will be easier to understand and resolve it.

10. Monitor What Child Sees

Sometimes many TV shows or movies makes a harmful impact on a child’s mind. Many tv shows and movies display the children talking back to adults and giving sarcastic replies with a sassy attitude. We usually laugh at those scenes, and they are suitable for comedy. Still, children must understand that imitating that type of behaviour is not funny and acceptable in real life. You can keep an eye on the shows they are watching.

11. Seek Help

If you can’t manage your child this behaviour, then you must consult your child’s paediatrician, or even opt for family therapy. Suppose your child is not listening or following your directions or constantly refusing to stop arguing or throwing tantrums that you should see some medical help. This can result in oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD, which can be managed and treated correctly.

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Darsh is a blogger and previous owner of this website.

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