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15 Stunning Plants to Create a Cascade of Color in the Garden

One quick technique to make the garden feel colorful even when the sun is not out is to add a dash of color to it. It will definitely take the outdoor space to a whole new level. Adding color to the garden can significantly transform the area and the way someone interacts with it. The beautiful thing about this task is that it does not have to be time-consuming or extremely challenging; all someone needs is some original thought and a unique perspective. There are many methods to add color, whether a person wants to make a bold statement with a completely new color scheme or just add a dash of color to that drab flower garden.

What Are Trailing Flowers?

Long, trailing stems are characteristic of home plants. One should try to find locations for the trailing plants in which they will have sufficient space to flourish without a direct conflict with other species. They look stunning when grown indoors in suspended baskets, pots suspended from the roof, or shelves, where their branches can flow down dramatically.

15 Stunning Plants to Create a Colorful Garden

1. Trailing Aubrieta

Aubrieta is the best option for rockeries. It cascades down magnificently over big rocks; it also trails almost a meter over the upper edge and front of the walls of the garden. It can even thrive in cracks and crevices.

2. Lobelia

Lobelia creates masses of tiny purple or blue flowers, dispersing around 35cm; it is ideal for summer tubs, hanging baskets, and troughs since they spill over the outsides. The finest annual lobelias to create the cascading effect require a sunny location with consistently moist soil. 

3. Phlox

Phlox is considered a creeping plant. However, it also looks lovely draped over the pots and facades, just as a trailing plant. Phlox can disperse up to 60cm, and it produces numerous star-shaped bouquets in the spring. It is ideal for growing within wall fissures.

4. Ivy Geranium

Geraniums grow in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from the sturdy shrubby geranium to the short-lived pelargonium. Ivy geranium trails and looks lovely in containers, over the outsides of rubs, and on tops of tiny walls.

5. Bacopa

Bacopa is ideal for dangling suspensions and planters that are wall mounted because it easily forms mounds and thrives, producing long trailing branches. Such a low-maintenance plant is also excellent as ground cover. It resembles the adorable bellflower plant very much. Bellflower does not trail as much and has smaller, comparable flowers.

6. Verbena Plant

The popular name “trailing verbena” refers to Verbena Canadensis, recently identified as Glandularia Canadensis, an annual flowering plant; Green foliage and pink, blue, red, white, or violet flowers are produced by trailing verbena.

7. Fuschias

Fuchsias are recurrent plants, although because of their sensitivity to the cold, they are sometimes planted as annuals. The trailing fuchsia plant is arguably the most well-known, particularly in the northern United States, where they are widely used in patio hanging arrangements.

8. Busy Lizzies

Among the most well-liked plants among gardening enthusiasts is the Busy Lizzie, which offers a wide range of colors and is now obtainable in a trailing version. Busy Lizzies are ideal for the top of dangling arrangements as well as pots and boxes since they grow more vertically and densely. Also, they have sturdy stems.

9. Petunias

Supertunia Petunias trail quite heavily and are not tall. In addition to serving as spillers in planters, they make good front-of-bed plants in landscaping. Supertunia Mini is the finest option if someone wants the plants in their hanging baskets to last as long as possible.

10. Creeping Jenny

Rapidly growing Creeping Jenny, a member of the Primulaceae category, is popular as a ground cover, boundary, or trailing plant in hanging baskets due to its natural feel and soft appearance.

11. Calibrachoa (Million Bells)

These plants trail and look best when pouring over the sides of planter boxes, pots, and baskets. They bloom for months and look amazing when combined with other flowerbed plants like fuchsias. Moths are also drawn to their blossoms.

12. Trailing Ivy

With its twisting, trailing growth pattern and easily recognizable leaves, English ivy has a charming appearance. As beautiful as it is outside, it is equally beautiful indoors.

13. Nasturtium

The nasturtium is bright and easy to grow. Their bright flowers and edible leaves, and pods make them a preferred plant in the backyard and a fun flower for children to plant. With their distinctive foliage and colorful flowers, such lovely plants thrive in boxes or as ground cover all over the gardens.

14. Dichondra Argentea

It makes a lovely trailing plant in the garden, but having the Silver Falls dichondra inside the house in a box is also an alternative. With proper care, this evergreen, resilient plant produces stunning silvery vegetation and incorporates lovely into any residence.

15. Trailing Heucherella “Redstone Falls”

These trailing sturdy perennials, a mix between Heuchera and Tiarella, present beautifully billowing out of hanging baskets, boxes, and veranda containers, in which the broad-lobed leaves glow all year round. One should grow them alone to create foliage. Another way is to mix them in with other plants to add texture.


Darsh is a blogger and previous owner of this website.

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