Namaste and Om, are 2 words that we often use in our daily life. It could be spiritual, or it could be out of respect. However, people use it.
Do we know the meaning of these 2 words?

I conducted a survey where I asked people that why they are using these words. None of them knew the meaning. Also, most of them replied that they are using it because they saw their elders using it. At the same time, it feels good after saying this. That’s true, the feeling is different and it’s very positive.
Now let us the know the meaning behind this!
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Let’s the break the word and translate!
- Nama means ‘bow’.
- As means ‘I’.
- Te means you.
- In the first place, the literal translation comes out to be “Bow me you” or “I bow to you.”
- For greeting someone, people use the Sanskrit word ‘Namaste’, specifically in India. Similarly, these days, even foreign countries are using this gesture.
- Indians use their hand gesture for Namaste and Western people usually say the word, but both are same.
- People placing their palms together near the heart chakra and bowing head in one gesture.
- Some people place their hands folded near the third eye which is there between 2 eyebrows and then bring it near the heart. This is a sign of worshiping with complete positivity.

- It is said that folding hands are linked to the nerve circuits of the brain, which in turn is linked to the upper body.
- While folding hands, every finger holds different qualities. The middle finger, ring finger, and little finger represent the quality of 3 gunas- out of which the middle finger represents purity, the ring finger represents activity and the little finger represents laziness.
- Thumb represents the ultimate- soul!
- Om (sound- AUM)

Let’s break the word and translate!
- OM (Aum) is a sound that translates as sources or supreme.
- Moreover, the sound is more important and the vibration is more important.
- The awe sound achieved at the start of om vibration represents the start of the universe. Furthermore, it follows the sound OOO which is the representation of the energy of that universe. And, the last sound mmm represents the transformation. Therefore, all these 2 together in one vibration is the most important thing. After this, a deep silence is required to feel all these 3 things.
- The person should feel the first sound Awe above the abdomen.
- The person should feel Ooo sound in the chest.
- Person should feel Mmm sound in the mind.
- Equally, this relaxes the stressed body because it activates the upper chakras.
- It is said that AUM is the sound of the universe and the vibration achieved is sent by the universe.
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