Health and WellnessLifestyleSelf Care

10 Solutions To Get Thicker Eyebrows

Eyebrows are an essential feature that can structure and elevate our looks. Often, people with thinner eyebrows end up drawing on thicker eyebrows, and in some cases, even tattooing a thicker eyebrow!!

What if I told you that following home remedies regularly will help you with eyebrow growth? If you dedicate a few minutes of your day and common kitchen ingredients, you will soon notice them get thicker! Let us dive into the various home remedies and the methods to use them:

10 Solutions To Get Thicker Eyebrows

1. Castor Oil

Castor oil is arguably one of the oldest solutions for hair problems, and it works wonderfully for your eyebrows as well! Being rich in proteins, unsaturated fats, cancer prevention agents, and nutrients helps feed your hair follicles. I guarantee that applying castor oil every day on your eyebrow roots; improves hair growth and makes sure that every strand of hair is thick and strong.

Method: Rub a couple of drops of castor oil into your eyebrows with your fingertips. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then use a gentle cleanser while washing your face with warm water.

Note: Unadulterated castor oil may cause aggravation, hives, and rashes on the off chance that you are sensitive to it. Ensure that you play out a patch test before utilising it.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil functions as a conditioner, like a handy lotion that encourages hair growth. The unsaturated fats in coconut oil work with the proteins found in hair to shield it from breaking. The lauric acid in it is the perfect antimicrobial specialist, forestalling contamination of hair follicles. Similarly to enhancements like Vitamin E and iron in coconut oil, the various proteins advance strong and thick eyebrows. You can repeat utilising this solution thrice a week or even every day!

Method: Drop a q-tip in the oil and then apply it to your eyebrows. Let it rest overnight. When you wake up, wash it off with a mild cleanser, and you’re set!

3. Olive Oil

Olive oil is rich in Vitamin E, which help in the improvement of hair. Vitamin E feeds every hair strand. Olive oil also invigorates the creation of sebum, an oil found in our bodies, which assists with hair development. You can apply it to your eyebrows every day, ad per your discretion.

Methods: Pour a drop of olive oil on at the tip of your finger and massage it on your eyebrows. Keep it on for a few hours and wash it off with a mild face wash and warm water.

4. Onion Juice

Onion juice contains heaps of sulphur, selenium, minerals, Vitamins B and C, which are commonly superb for hair improvement. Onion juice is an excellent remedy if you’re looking for quick results. The sulphur present in it improves the collagen required for growth and also fortifies the hair follicles! As onion has a strong smell, it is ideal to use lemon juice to remove all traces of the scent. Apply onion juice to your eyebrows once a day, every day.

Method: Chop an onion, blend it well and prepare a paste. Strain the paste to get the juice that goes on your eyebrows. With a Q-tip, apply the liquid to your eyebrows. Keep it on for 60 minutes. Wipe off with a cotton ball dipped in lemon juice, and of course, end by washing it off with a mild cleanser.

5. Egg Yolk

The eyebrows’ hair includes keratin protein, and the egg is a fantastic wellspring of protein. Keratin is a massive fixing in most hair improvement supplements. Egg yolks are similarly a rich wellspring of biotin. You will get a quicker development rate if you utilise this treatment two times per week.

Method: Separate the egg yolk and beat it until the consistency is smooth. Apply to your eyebrows utilising a Q-tip or a brush. Please put it on for 20 minutes and wash it with hot water.

Note: Egg yolk may stop pores and lead to skin breaking out. Use sparingly.

6. Fenugreek Seeds

Otherwise called methi seeds in Hindi, fenugreek is known to make hair look sleek and glossy. These seeds help remake hair follicles, causing new hair development; they contain nicotinic acid, just like proteins that animate hair development. Fenugreek works proficiently in treating issues identified with sensitive scalp. This pack should be utilised all seven days of the week for compelling outcomes.

Methods: Let the fenugreek seeds rest in the water for an hour or more. Pound into a fine paste and apply it to your eyebrows. Leave it on for 30-45 minutes and wash with warm water.

7. Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly conditions and holds dampness in your foreheads. The petrolatum compound keeps moisture from getting away and consequently keeps the skin saturated. Reapply the petroleum jelly every day until you reach your desired level of growth!

Method: Apply the jelly to your eyebrows and leave it on overnight. Try to apply only as much as is required, lest you stain your pillows every night. Wash your eyebrows off with lukewarm water right after you wake up.

8. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains a compound named aloenin that advances hair development. It has synthetic cosmetics like keratin; thus, it revives hair with its supplements, giving it greater flexibility and forestalling breakage. Aloe vera gel can either be bought in jars or can be used straight from the plant. It can also be applied two times a day or as desired.

Method: If using an aloe vera leaf, scoop the gel out, give it a good mix and apply it over your eyebrows. Apply it for 20 mins, or overnight, and wash it off with warm water.

9. Lemon

Since lemons are plentiful in Vitamins B and C, folic acid and other crucial vitamins and minerals, they cause your eyebrow hair to develop a lot quicker than a lot of the other solutions. Lemons may be harsh for those with sensitive skin, so before you dive into this remedy, try a little patch test and see if this is the solution for you!

Method: Rub a bit of lemon onto your eyebrows, leave there for 20 minutes, and then wash it with warm water. You can even mix lemon juice with ¼-cup unadulterated coconut oil. Allow the blend to sit for 15 days in any event. When prepared, you can apply this onto your eyebrows utilising cotton each night before retiring to bed. Wash off the following morning.

Note: Try not to expose your forehead to daylight for two hours after applying this cure!

10. Milk

Milk has a parcel of goodness, which is why it has been utilised in various skincare items; it contains two binding proteins known as casein and whey. These two triggers and animate the development of good hair. Consistently doing this will give you a better outcome concerning hair growth!

Method: Douse the cotton ball in the milk. Delicately knead your eyebrows with the cotton. Leave it on for 15 minutes, and then wash it with water.


There is no reason to fret over thin eyebrows and spend money on costly makeup or eyebrow tattoos. All you need to do is go to your kitchen and pick out your favourite remedy! Soon you will have eyebrows like Kajol or Cara Delevingne!

(It is important to remember that genetic play a considerable role in features such as your eyebrows, and results will vary from person to person!)

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Darsh is a blogger and previous owner of this website.

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