The Myths And Superstitions About Birthmarks
80% of human beings are born with random markings on their body known to be Birthmarks. These are found in different shapes and sizes, in various parts of our body.
Birthmarks have significance both good and bad; as a result, they are inferred both as Angel kisses and Marks of the Devil. It seems like these marks have several interpretations influenced by cultural beliefs, color, size, and location on our bodies like every other thing around us. Some of them are extremely weird and insidious.
Where a few believe them to be lucky omens; throughout history, birthmarks were feared by superstitious, paranoid, and religious fanatics.
I was brought up, to believe that, “if you have a birthmark, you are lucky”.
Something that made me sad for not having one.
Via- Google
But do you think, they say something about our life’s purpose or our destiny?
Do they actually hold deep meaning for their existence?
Do you believe in superstitions?
Let’s see, what the world perceived Birthmarks as (or maybe still doing).
A few myths about birthmarks
• In Chinese culture, the location of the birthmark has a meaning behind it. Like, if you have a mark on your right foot, it implies that you are adventurous. On the left foot means that you are quite intelligent. Having one on the abdomen means you are greedy and self-centered.
• According to an Indian myth, a birthmark located on a visible part of your body is supposed to be unlucky.
• It is believed that location of the birthmark on a child can pinpoint its different character traits. A mark on the right hand denotes success and prosperity where one on the left indicates poverty and lack. One on the abdomen signifies hunger. A birthmark on the back says that the person is open-minded.
• The Iranian lore says that if a pregnant woman touches her belly during a solar eclipse, consequently her baby will be born with a birthmark.
• If an expectant mother stares at a mouse, her child will get a hairy birthmark, and if she stares at the fire, her child might get a burn on the skin.
Link with our past life
Birthmarks are believed to have a profound connection between your past and the present. Any unexplained scar on your body can be an evidence of your previous incarnation or the way you died in your last life. Marks are formed at a site of the past life damage, and absence of one implies a natural death.
Strangely enough, birthmarks can occur for two reasons in this case; Either if the body has not got enough time to heal between its incarnation or if the mind wishes to reconnect with the past life trauma so that it can be treated.
Moreover, the shape of the birthmark can be more telling. While a sword or dagger could indicate stabbing, On the other hand, a flame or torch shape could mean death by fire. A circular mark can show a bullet hole.
To conclude…
A lot more interpretations are covering almost all the body parts, yet no one knows if these analyses hold true. These superstitions are unproven, and there still are numerous individuals with similar marks on similar locations with different traits.
I spent a lot of time to locate something like this