
  • Self Carelighten Your Dark Elbows

    11 Ways to Lighten Your Dark Elbows

    Aloe Vera.

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  • Self CareDark Knees

    15 Home Remedies For Dark Knees

    Dark knees are often a sore point for several people. Don’t worry, though; you can get rid of it quickly with simple ingredients available in your kitchen! You can attempt the accompanying solutions to help get rid of dark knees. However, dermatologists don’t generally recommend these therapies, given the lack of scientific evidence to support their effectiveness. 15 Home Remedies…

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  • Health and WellnessBenefits Of Cucumber

    15 Benefits Of Cucumber For Healthy Skin And Hair

    Why eating cucumber is healthy? The answer lies in its content and nutritional values. Cucumber contains all of the nutrients you need, such as vitamins (C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), copper, potassium, magnesium, calcium, folic, and more.  They grow quickly in your home yard, or even in a bottle. They are refreshing and healthy. The list falls short when…

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  • Health and Wellness

    Do You Know How Beneficial Eating Good Gourds Can Be?

    Gourds used to be a common sight in traditional kitchens but these days they seem to have lost out to the more popular zucchini and other imported vegetables. Their fleshy texture and seemingly bland taste don’t win them friends. But they are great for summer. Gourds have high water and fibre content that helps hydrate the body. And they are…

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  • Health and Wellness

    6 Detox Drinks to Cleanse Your Body

    The festival season is on and if you have indulged and now feel bloated, it is a good time to opt for Detox drinks. Simply put, these are drinks that can help you reduce toxins and feel healthier. Here are 5 that you need to include in your diet plan, right away! 6 Detox Drinks to Cleanse Your Body 1.…

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