72 Surprising Facts About The Human Brain

We all know the brain is one of the most complex parts of the body. It gives commands to the body so that it can perform its functions well. If you think that the human brain can multitask, then you are wrong. It only switches between different tasks.
Here are 72 surprising facts about the human brain
- The human brain is 73% water. If a person gets only 2% dehydrated, then it will start affecting his memory, attention, and other thinking skills.
- The brain is considered the fattiest organ of the body, which consists of 60% of the dry weight as fat.
- The weight of our brain is around 3 pounds.
- The brain contains approximately 100 billion neurons.
- Our brain has the ability to store an almost limitless amount of information.
- The human brain processes about 60,000 thoughts per day.
- Emotions, memories, and sensory information are processed in different areas of the brain.
- The human brain is capable of the simultaneous processing of multiple tasks, also known as parallel processing.
- The brain uses electrochemical signals to communicate with the rest of the body.
- There are around 86 billion brain cells in the brain, according to the latest estimate though their exact number is still unknown.
- About 20 watts of electricity can be generated by the brain. It’s sufficient to power a low-wattage light bulb.
- Albert Einstein’s brain was 2.71 pounds which was 10% smaller than the average brain, but the neuron density of the physicist’s brain was greater than the average brain.
- The brain can shrink due to chronic stress and depression.
- It has been clearly shown by the brain scans that you use most of the brain almost all the time, even while you are sleeping.
- Your brain is not capable of forming memories when you are drunk.
- Your brain cannot feel pain because it does not have pain receptors.
- Cholesterol is needed by the brain to survive.
- The brain is soft like butter.
- A research was conducted at Cambridge University, and it was found that the order of letters of a written word doesn’t make much difference to your brain. If the first and the last letter of a word are written correctly, then the brain can easily understand and form the word while you are reading it.
- The storage capacity of the brain is virtually unlimited. It doesn’t get used up like the RAM of your computer.
- The IBM Sequoia, which is one of the world’s fastest supercomputers, is 30 times less powerful than the human brain.
- Your subconscious mind takes 95% of your decisions in life.
- 85% of the brain’s weight is the cerebrum, which is considered to be the main part of the brain and is located in the front area of the skull.
- During the first year of life, the human brain triples in size, and it reaches maturity at 25 years of age.
- Humans are higher in intelligence than sperm whales in spite of the fact that the brain of the sperm whale is five times heavier than the human brain.
- Chronic stress can actually have a negative impact on the brain, which can lead to decreased cognitive function and increased risk of depression and anxiety.
- Sleep plays a crucial role in the brain’s ability to consolidate memories and perform routine maintenance.
- The human brain continues to evolve and change throughout life, even in old age.
- Our brain has the ability to compensate for lost function by recruiting other areas to perform tasks, a process known as brain plasticity or neural compensation.
- The left hemisphere is often considered the logical, analytical side and is responsible for language processing, math, and logic.
- The right hemisphere is considered the creative, intuitive side and is responsible for spatial awareness, music, and art.
- The human brain has the ability to rewire and reorganize itself in response to injury, disease, or learning experiences, known as neuroplasticity.
- The human brain contains specialized structures known as “memory centers” that play a role in forming and storing memories.
- The brain’s cortex, which is the outer layer of the brain, is responsible for higher-level processing, such as perception, thought, and consciousness.
- The brainstem connects the brain to the spinal cord and is responsible for vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, and sleep.
- The hypothalamus is a small but powerful region of the brain that helps regulate important functions such as hunger, thirst, and body temperature.
- Amygdala is a tiny almond-shaped structure in the brain that is involved in processing emotions such as fear and anger.
- The basal ganglia is a subcortical group of nuclei in the brain that is involved in motor control, procedural learning, and certain cognitive functions.
- The hippocampus is a region of our brain that is crucial for learning and memory, particularly the formation of new memories.
- The frontal lobe is responsible for a variety of functions, including decision-making, problem-solving, planning, and movement control.
- The parietal lobe is involved in processing sensory information from the body, such as touch, temperature, and pain.
- The occipital lobe is involved in processing visual information from the eyes.
- The temporal lobe is involved in processing auditory information from the ears, as well as memory and language processing.
- Our brain is protected by the skull and cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid, which helps to absorb shock and protect the brain from injury.
- Brain injuries, such as concussions, can have a significant impact on brain function and can lead to long-term effects such as memory problems and mood changes.
- Environmental toxins like lead and mercury can have a toxic effect on the brain, leading to decreased function and developmental problems.
- The brain consumes a large amount of energy, even though it only makes up 2% of the body’s weight, making it one of the most energy-intensive organs in the body.
- The human brain generates a large amount of electrical activity, which can be measured using EEG (electroencephalography) and used to diagnose various neurological disorders.
- The human brain is capable of rapid, parallel processing, allowing us to simultaneously perform multiple tasks, such as walking and talking.
- The human brain has a high demand for oxygen and nutrients, and a healthy diet that has foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients can help support brain function and health.
- The brain actually has the ability to compensate for lost function, recruiting other areas to perform tasks in response to injury or disease.
- Exercise has proved to have a positive effect on brain function, improving memory, mood, and cognitive abilities.
- The left side of our brain controls the right side of our body, and vice versa.
- The brain has a “neglect” mechanism that allows it to ignore stimuli that are not important.
- The brain has a network called the “default mode network” that is active when the mind is at rest.
- The brain can process visual information about 60,000 times faster than text.
- The brain is capable of creating new neurons, a process known as neurogenesis, throughout a person’s life.
- The brain can store an estimated 2.5 petabytes of information, equivalent to 3 million hours of TV shows.
- The human brain generates adequate electricity to power a small light bulb.
- Brain waves can be measured and used to diagnose conditions such as ADHD and depression.
- The brain’s ability to multitask effectively is a myth. Instead, it rapidly switches between tasks.
- The brain processes different types of information, such as sights, sounds, and touches, in separate regions.
- The brain can process and respond to stimuli even during sleep.
- The brain can perform unconscious calculations and make decisions before a person is aware of it.
- The brain has a “second brain” in the gut, also called “the enteric nervous system,” that is capable of processing information and making decisions independently.
- The brain is capable of creating hallucinations, both in a waking and sleeping state.
- The brain can process and respond to pain without conscious awareness.
- The brain can create false memories, such as recalling events that never actually happened.
- The brain has a mechanism for filtering out redundant or unimportant information called habituation.
- The brain possesses the ability to rewire itself, allowing for the development of new skills and abilities throughout life.
- The human brain has the ability to change its own structure and function through a process called brain plasticity, which allows it to adapt to new experiences and improve over time.
- Research has shown that meditation can truly have a positive impact on the brain by reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, enhancing overall well-being, and improving cognitive function.
The human brain is protected by the skull, and it controls all the functions of the body. Information is received through our five senses by the brain, namely, sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. In spite of so many studies and research on the brain, we are still far behind in our knowledge about what can be done by a human brain.