Health and Wellness

Siddhasana: The Perfect Pose To Seek Enlightenment

The word of meditation and its benefits have spread like wildfire today. Even though traditionally it was only limited to monks and spiritual people, the modern era is going back to the roots to re-connect with what we left behind.

Every person has a particular preference for doing meditation. Some may have a holy spot allotted and they will meditate only at that place, to be in the zone.

Other way prefers seeing in a particular way, keep the palm open on the knee or do a mudra and so on. With so many different ways to meditate, is there actually a certain way that you should sit in, that could maximize the benefits?

Yes, indeed there is.

‘Siddhasana’ pose is the best way to sit for your meditation. It is also known as the perfect posture.

‘Siddh’ literally means accomplished or perfect and ‘asana’ is posture.

How to sit in Siddhasana?

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Sit on the floor in a cross-legged position.
The heel of one foot should be placed against the perineum (space between the anus and genitals).
The first foot should be below the second foot.
This helps to create a lock and provides stability to the body for long durations of meditation.

Why is Siddhasana called the perfect posture?

The main crux of the perfect posture for meditation lies in keeping the spine aligned and steady
When you sit in Siddhasana, the spinal column remains straight. This causes energy flow in the correct direction, upward, in the spine.
It also helps to stimulate the two lower chakras of Mooladhara and Swadhistana.

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Also, this position helps to lessen the blood flow to the lower body and directs it towards the upper body and your brain, which helps to improve alertness and focus.

Hath Yoga Pradeepika states that Siddhasana helps to calm the nervous system and makes you feel at peace.

Isn’t it amazing how something as simple as changing the way you position yourself for a particular ritual propels you by so many manifolds in your spiritual journey?

Dr. Nida Kazi

Dr Nida Kazi is a health coach & nutritionist specialising in sports nutrition and Doctor of alternative medicine (M.D, A.M). She is a fitness enthusiast and firmly believe in the priniciple of eating right and exercising regularly. She likes exploring different cuisines and finding the interesting facts behind all foods and researching their origin. And what is life without a little sliver of nature, her interests involve hiking in the woods, going on adventurous expeditions and water sports.

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