
10 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Human Body

The Human Body is so amazing! Apart from being a set of complexity, it is full of so many surprises. Besides performing its chief function, every organ has a surprising side. Have you ever wondered how many mysteries and secrets your body is hiding from you? Well! It’s good enough to explore them. Let us go through these facts about the human body and be amazed.

10 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Human Body

1. Ecosystem Inside You

Thousands of bacteria living inside your belly button form an ecosystem that has the size of an entire rainforest.

via- secure.i.telegraph.co.uk

Isn’t it great to shelter an ecosystem inside your body?

2. Potential acids

via- www.primandprep.com

The acid in your stomach is enough to dissolve razor blades. Quite acidic, right? But don’t take it as a warranty to swallow blades!

3. Love is in the air

Here is an interesting phenomenon that you will love. If a woman is pregnant and gets her organs damaged, her fetus sends out stem cells to help out and save her.

via- diabetestimes.co.uk

Kind of mother-child love!

4. Inner voice

via- cdn1.medicalnewstoday.com

Would you love to know how the world hears you? Cover your left ear with your hand and speak. That’s how it is.

5. Weak bones

via- bridesbutler.ca

Take a human bone, remove all its minerals, and soak it in 6% hydrochloric acid solution for a night. Voila! Your bone is ready to be tied up in a knot.

6. Let’s uncoil your DNA

via- nationalpostcom.files.wordpress.com

If the entire DNA in your body were uncoiled, it would be able to cover up to about 10 billion miles, which is Earth to Pluto and back. Just Imagine!

7. It’s colourful everywhere

via- img.buzzfeed.com

Never underestimate the power of your eyes as they can differentiate between 2.3 to 7.5 million different colors!

8. The height of uniqueness

Source: The Swaddle

 Apart from having a unique fingerprint, you have a unique smell and a unique tongue print, too.

9. Crocodile’s Tears

Source: The Cut

The only species to produce emotional tears are human beings. So, never trust your pets when they make a teary face!

10. You are free to sleep

via- hdwallpapersrocks.com

 Here is a unique and interesting method of measuring your IQ. The IQ levels are directly proportional to your dreams. Hence, the more you dream, the more intelligent you are. So, the bottom line is Sleep More. Good Luck!

Read also 10 Major Foods That A Diabetic Should Avoid

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