Last-Minute Summer Beauty Treatments To Have You Summer-Ready
Summer is finally here! Can you believe it? We’ve been waiting for it for pretty much a year and now here it is again. Exciting, right?
I do understand, though, if you’re struggling to fully embrace it if you don’t quite feel summer-ready. But worry not! You’re in the right place! Here you’ll find out about amazing last-minute summer beauty treatments that will make you feel extra pampered and ready for that summer glow!
Are you ready for your glow-up?
Ready to feel summery and dip into that imaginary pool?
Let’s dive in!
Summer Beauty Treatment Number 1: A Good Ol’ Body Scrub!
This should be the first step in any beauty routine. Scrubbing your body is as essential as moisturizing. You want to remove any dead cells stuck to you and you need to give your skin the chance to breathe and feel new. In summer, your skin is more exposed to the elements, so now more than ever, it’s vital you remember to do a good ol’ scrub! Do it whilst taking a shower because you won’t be bothered to do it later and it won’t take you long. My favourite natural ingredients scrub: I add fine mineral sea salt to some coconut oil (I can’t help it! I love the scent!) and take it in the shower with me. I usually keep it in a jar and leave it in the shower until I need to make it again. Every few months, I’ll add in coffee grounds because they exfoliate a little deeper than the salt – be careful, use it wisely and don’t overdo it!
Don’t forget to treat yourself to an actual pro peel every once in a while – while there is a lot you can do for your skin at home, some things are simply better done at a salon.
Summer Beauty Treatment Number 2: Hydration Masks
It’s all about the hair, hands and face! One of the most annoying things in summer is that my hair gets really dry really fast. Because the sun is not always your best ally, you need to be careful with how long and how often you’re exposing your body to it. I always go for hydration masks during this time of the year because they’re easy and quick and I do them once or twice a week just before bed. Coconut oil for my hair too! Who knew coconut oil would be your best friend this summer? Me, I knew! I really love how versatile it is and that I can use it in different treatments. I usually pour some onto my hands after my shower and massage it into my hair. I don’t even wear a shower cap to go to sleep because I truly love the smell.
For my hands and face, I usually go for something store-bought and do a face mask once a week and do my hands once a month because they don’t get as dry.
Summer Beauty Treatment Number 3: It’s That Time… We Need to Talk about Feet!
You didn’t think I would talk about summer treatments without mentioning feet, did you? How could I not? It needs to have its own number. Dry feet, dry heels are the worst enemies of cute sandals and all-round summer footwear. There’s just no way to hide them. So, as a last-minute summer prep, please make sure your feet are being loved just the same as the rest of your body. Exfoliate them and remember to moisturise. For my feet, I love using honey as a foot mask because it contains antimicrobial properties and is obviously a good moisturiser. I also do it overnight and sleep with socks to lock everything in. In the morning, I always wake up with beautiful, smooth feet!
Summer Beauty Treatment Number 4: Get that Tan On!
It is true that when we’re tanned, we feel more confident. There’s a whole science behind it, trust me. But those UV rays are not the best of friends to our skin and health, so we have to protect ourselves. Therefore, faking tanning is the way to go! Many women are doing it nowadays and some brands are really good and do not leave you looking like a carrot. Follow the instructions on your tanning bottle and let the magic happen!
Summer Beauty Treatment Number 5: Wax, Epilate, Shave, or Don’t Shave…
For some people, having no hair except on their head and eyebrows is a big yes-yes, so this is for those people. If you’re all about the full body hair, you go girl: you do you! There’s no judgment here. However, personally, I do prefer to show off in summer with my birthday suit, as in no hair anywhere! I use a mix of waxing, epilating and shaving and it’s lots of fun! (Or so I wish every month when I sit in the bathroom for 2 hours trying to fight time – meaning, hair growth.) But this rather painful treatment always leads to a very nice leg massage dipped in fragrant oils and the feeling of happiness, so I believe it to be one of the most important beauty treatments in my daily life.
You’re not too late! You can be summer ready now!
Just go into your kitchen and grab all the different ingredients you’ll need to create these easy and quick treatments. Or, if you can’t be bothered, just buy them, but either way, make sure your body and mind are being loved and pampered this summer.