10 Weirdest Phobias that People Have
All of us are scared of some or, the other thing, but an irrational fear of a specific object is called a phobia.
Phobias can be hereditary in some cases but, most of the phobias are acquired through traumatic experiences in one’s life.
Fear can also be induced by seeing others scared of a particular object. People of all age groups have some weird phobias, whose cause is difficult to explain. Even the smallest of the things can elicit an extreme response of fear. Here’s a list of some of the craziest phobias from around the world that are extremely rare but totally real!
10 Weirdest Phobias that People Have
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions. These people avoid getting into conversations that lead to conflicts. They take distance from debates and arguments.
Chorophobia is the fear of dancing. These people avoid going to public events, parties, and functions as they fear becoming aroused or excited. They also feel nervous when they see people around them dancing with full energy and blasting music!
3. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
Because, why should the fear of long words have a short name?
It is an uncommon fear and can have severe effects on the day to day functioning of an individual. Students with this phobia find it hard to cope with their studies.
Coulrophobia is an extreme fear of clowns. It is extremely rare because most of us tend to like clowns. Clowns depict happiness, fun, and entertainment but some people are legit scared of them.
Yes, there are some people on this planet, who do not like dogs. It’s hard to believe that some people are actually afraid of these angelic creatures. Especially street dogs scare people the most.
Somniphobia is the fear of sleep. A lot of times children are scared of going to sleep because of the fear of nightmares. Somniphobia leads to sleep deprivation and reduced energy.
Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13. A lot of people consider it an unlucky number. Certain hotels do not have room number 13 and some people also avoid making any major decisions of their life on the 13th day of the month.
Xanthophobia is the fear of the word yellow and the color yellow. People with this phobia cannot stand the color yellow which is omnipresent in nature. They fear lemons, bananas, yellow leaves, and all things yellow.
Gazing at the night sky is a romantic feeling. But, a few people are scared of the night sky studded with stars.
Siderophobia is the fear of stars. These people are scared to go out at night and do not like gazing at the night sky.
I definitely did not see this one coming! Some people are afraid of the consequences of real wealth. Plutophobia is the fear of wealth.
These people think that money will create new problems in their lives. Certain religions also discourage the accumulation of wealth.
These were some of the craziest phobias that are actually real. Hard to believe, right?