- Lifestyle
8 Tips To Overcome Social Shyness At A Party
Are introverts the only ones who have this problem? I’m afraid I have to disagree. Being an introvert necessarily does not classify you as a recluse. They are not the only people who feel the need to overcome social shyness. Meeting people at a party is always a nervous experience. Therefore, do not categorize this article for the introverts; every…
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10 Foods you must include in your Healthy Breakfast
You have been eating breakfast in the morning, but is it healthy? Then what must a healthy breakfast include? This question baffled me at first, but it does make a point. Are we aware of the foods we are eating while considering them ‘healthy’? From time to time, our elders focused on not leaving the house with an empty stomach.…
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10 Ways To Overcome Exhaustive Work From Home
Are you exhausted from working all day? Because we have got simple ways to overcome exhaustive work from home that actually works. Your home has become synonymous with the workplace. And why wouldn’t it be when your boss expects (or demands) you to work for longer hours since you are home? Many articles talk about managing work stress, and maintaining…
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7 Different Ways To Relax Yourself From The Stress
With the sun blazing admiringly in the sky and the moon waning in a quick glimpse, you aren’t left with much time to do things you love. Why? Because your work life is sucking the energy out of you unapologetically. This never-ending list of work steals all the possible ways to relax from stress, and by the time you hit…
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8 Healthy Home Habits You Should Develop Right Now
Covid-19 has knocked us off our daily routine, and it doesn’t seem to end soon. And with the increase in mental health issues and other predicaments, it becomes imperative to change the environment to positive feels. But this disapproval of the current situation can be solved with these healthy home habits that will replenish your optimism and positivity. Why is…
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