
17 Solo Travel Hacks For Your Next Trip

Traveling is a wonderful opportunity to get to know yourself and the person you are traveling with a little better. Some prefer company while others don’t. These mavericks are the solo or independent travelers we all have in our groups. Maybe you are one. 

If you nodded your head in a yes, then continue with us to make your next solo trip splendid. If not, who knows, you might even plan your next trip solo after reading our article.

What Exactly Is Solo Travelling?

Who doesn’t fancy a jaunt? Read it again I said ‘jaunt’!. Trips and excursions are what we look most forward to. That ultimate getaway is the reward for working hard the entire year. 

It is no doubt fun with good company. Be it a group of your single most beloved in the whole world. But there comes a time when these trips get too overwhelming because of the gang. You might wanna give solo traveling a shot.

17 Hacks If You Are Travelling Solo

We present a quick checklist to tick against before you step foot for your next solo journey.

1. Pack that confidence first

Traveling solo is not as easy as shelling peas. Even before you make up your mind about it, there will be people trying to scare you out of it. Some might suggest that it’s not a cool idea either. 

Listen to no one. Confirm with your parents and siblings, take suggestions from fellow solo travelers and mentally prepare yourself that you are about to embark on this trip solo.

2. Decide The Location

Circle red the place you want to visit. It can be anywhere in your country or abroad. Done with the place? Now commence with your research. According to the time of year, you want to explore the climate, best deals and packages, and mode of conveyance. 

3. Scribble Everything On a Piece of Paper

Once finished with booking the hotel, mode of travel, and the local map, write everything down. This will help as you won’t miss out on anything. Write down all the details in one place.

4. Start Away With Your Packing

Pack everything that you would have for a trip otherwise. An important reminder just doesn’t forget that first aid box and chargers for all electrical appliances you are about to carry. 

Another great tip is to travel light. You will carry your luggage alone, so it is wise to pack minimal stuff.

5. That Dough is Important

You are going to be on your own in a foreign place. You might not get help in time of need sometimes, especially when money is concerned. It is a rule of thumb to always carry a little extra when traveling. And some more when going single.

6. Your Recreation On The Go

Besides the friends you make on the way, you are your companion. Entertaining yourself is your responsibility. Keep books, good music, camera with a tripod handy. It is also not suggested to just dig your neck in books. Look around, explore, tour, enjoy and make memories. 

7. Learn The Local Language

Every solo traveler should know the culture and language of the place they are about to visit. Local language proverbial comes in beneficial when going around town. You might want to interact with people around to know more, start a conversation, order something in a restaurant or simply just inquire about a thing or two.

8. Always Keep A Map And GPS

Needless to say, you can also get confused in a new place. A map or a GPS on your phone can guide you along. For direction, trust these aids and feel the need to ask around if necessary.

9. Be Alert

It is cool to enjoy your own company and have a blast. But don’t shut down everything happening in your background. Be mindful and alert, and have your eyes and ears all over the place. Being a solo traveler, your safety lies in being alert. 

10. Inform Others About Your Location

Update your family and friends about your travel schedule back home. This is to give your loved ones a sense of security and to provide people who can track back your steps in case something goes wrong.

11. Follow the Rule of Three

It is called the rule of three because it involves asking three people the same question. You should ask three locals for directions to a particular place if you’re looking for an address. You’re on the right track if two give you the same directions.

12. Ask Hostel/Hotel Staff You’re Staying at For Places to Avoid

Solo travelers will find this tip especially helpful for evening excursions. Even the best-planned vacation can be ruined by an unlucky night out. Every destination has places to avoid at night. 

Hotel or hostel employees can advise about places to avoid while staying there. Connect with other travelers and tag along to feel more comfortable going out alone at night. 

Trusting your instincts is extremely important when traveling. In most cases, you’re probably right if you feel unsafe somewhere, especially alone.

13. Bring a Selfie Stick

For solo travelers, selfie sticks are an indispensable tool. Capture your trip with these compact, light cameras.

14. Always Have a Fully-Stocked First Aid Kit

You should always be prepared for cuts, scrapes, and sprains. In a good first aid kit, there should be a variety of dressings and equipment to handle the very basics, but these kits should also be simple and varied.

15. Bring a Portable Battery Charger

It’s easy to carry a portable battery charger to throw in your day bag or pocket. The last thing you want when traveling alone is a dead phone, whether for safety reasons or to get from one place to another.

16. Email Copies of Your Travel Documents

Email copies of your travel visas and passport to yourself and your family. This will make the process of replacing lost or stolen originals faster.

17. Book Accommodations Ahead of Time

Even if you’re into spontaneous travel, I recommend booking your first two nights before going there. This way, you don’t have to think about where you will spend the night after a long flight. If you’re staying at a hostel, it’ll give you time to settle in and talk to other travelers.


Traveling is an unconventional experience everybody should at least have once in their lifetime. It helps you grow as a person and gives a new definition to responsibilities. Also along the way, you get to enjoy yourself to the max, gain priceless experience, and make mellow memories. Get moving and have fun.

Read also15 Home Remedies To Shrink Large Skin Pores


Darsh is a blogger and previous owner of this website.

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