Why you’re eating healthy but still gaining weight
Have you been eating healthy, and exercising regularly but yet the weighing scale is not showing any downward trend? Sometimes we get impatient and dont give ourselves enough time to see the results. But there are a few times, very rarely, that nothing seems to work, even after doing everything right!
It is correct that a healthy diet and exercise are responsible for weight loss, but there are a few other factors that have a huge impact on how our body behaves.
In this article, we will have a look at these mistakes, which are stopping you from reaching your fitness goals. And what you can do is fix it!
8 reasons why you’re eating healthy but still not losing weight
1. Skipping meals
Skipping meals is the first idea that pops into most people’s minds when they think of ‘going on a diet.’ But a healthy diet doesn’t require you to stop eating. It requires you to consume the right foods in the right quantity.
For eg., many pieces of research done in the past have proved that people who skip breakfast tend to eat more than those who don’t, this making it difficult for them to lose weight. So, avoid skipping meals and consume foods rich in fibre and water to keep you fuller and reduce your overall calorie intake.
2. Overeating calorie-dense ‘healthy’ foods
Dried nuts and fruits are a great snacking option. But consuming them in large quantities is not a great idea. This is because although they are definitely healthy and packed with a ton of nutrients, they also have a huge amount of calories. And so snacking on these can very easily put to in a calorie surplus.
Think of nut butter. They taste yummy and are super high on nutrient, but they also have a good amount of fat in it! So, consuming large quantities of calorie-dense foods will lead to weight gain and obesity as opposed to weight loss.
3. Wrong portion sizes
Even though you are consuming salads and grilled options, you arent seeing any change in your weight. This is because your consuming these foods in larger amounts than what your body requires, leading to a calorie surplus. And we know that you can only lose weight when you focus on a low-calorie diet.
So, measure the foods you consume before serving them on your plate to avoid going overboard. This method will ensure that you are having only the allotted calories, maintaining your daily calorie range.
4. Gut issues
Our digestive system holds many organisms that are both beneficial and harmful to us. Research has shown that the bacteria in our gut have a significant impact on our weight. Our gut bacteria can affect how the food we consume gets digested, how the fat is stored, and whether we feel hungry or satiated.
Hence, consuming good pre-and probiotics is a great idea to keep the gut bacteria happy to help you with weight loss eventually.
5. Hormonal issues
If you are diagnosed with endocrine problems such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian disease, or going through menopause (for women), or andropause (for men), your body might just work against you. Despite your best efforts to lose weight, you might not see results. And these can sometimes even make you gain weight.
While most women have issues losing weight, some have a problem with gaining weight. In such a scenario, you can consider having a weight gainer for women. Either way, to manage weight loss or weight gain situations, you should see a physician to get your hormone levels checked and bring them under control.
6. Not getting enough sleep
The quality of your sleep is as important as the quantity of your sleep. Studies have shown that people who sleep lesser than 6-8 hours have increased cravings for carbohydrate-rich food. And consuming a high-carbohydrate diet leads to weight gain.
So, ensuring good quality sleep is as important as the food you consume. Try and make your bedroom more comfortable by making it darker and without any noise. These steps can help you to make sure you’re moving forward on your fitness journey.
7. Stress levels
Stress is a common factor that negatively affects our health. Stress leads to higher cortisol levels which leads to an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and blood glucose and accumulates more fat over the vital organs in the long run.
Regular exercise on an under desk treadmill while you work, along with good quality sleep, and meditation are three great ways you can help control your stress. Try to do some breathing exercises throughout the day, especially when you feel that you are beginning to get stressed to help manage your blood pressure.
8. Not exercising
Eating right but not exercising? Not helpful for weight loss. You need about an hour of exercise a day. These could be simple exercises like walking, jogging, or floor-based exercises. Or even a tough weight-lifting session at the gym. Have a pre-workout without beta-alanine to give you that energy to sustain through your workout duration. The more physically active you are, the more calories you will burn.
Understandably, it is frustrating that you are eating right and yet not losing weight. So, just pause for a moment and evaluate your situation using the above points. Ponder over which one you are missing and work on it to get on the right track. Remember, weight loss takes time, but it is possible by being mindful and patient. Author Info: By healthyandkhush.com
Healthy and Khush is a blog dedicated to sharing science-based tips and hacks that will help you lose weight and keep it off.