World & Environment

12 Small Steps To Help The Environment

We, humans, are very well aware of the fact that our environment is facing a crisis. Instead of being thankful for our mother nature and its resources, we have exploited it repeatedly for our personal benefits. Several studies point out that nature has never been so much harmed in the last 100 years. And who is responsible for it other than us.

The environment has alarmed us in so many ways, and if we don’t take measures now, it will be too late. So here are a few steps to help the environment.

12 Small Steps To Help The Environment

1. Saying No To Plastic

It is very well known that plastic is a polymer and is a non-biodegradable product. Plastic takes years and years to decompose and is the most harmful product for the environment. Time and again, it has been proved by several studies. If we, on our part, avoid plastic and limit the use of plastic to a minimum, then it can bring out a great change in helping our environment.

2. Carrying Your Water Bottle

Carrying your water bottle always with you can reduce the probability of buying a plastic water bottle and then later throwing it away. If this comes into practice, then the use of plastic water bottles will surely get minimized.

3. Keeping A Cloth Bag

Several places have accumulated waste of plastic bags, which can be hazardous to the environment. When you buy vegetables from a market or anything else, what you get it in is commonly a plastic bag. But if you have a cloth bag with you, you can avoid plastic usage and play a significant role in helping the environment.

4. Avoiding Unnecessary Vehicle Use

The gases from automobiles damage the air quality and are also responsible for a really bad condition of the environment. Nowadays, even for short distances, we prefer cars, thus polluting the environment. So taking bicycles or walking short distances can help in reducing environmental pollution while keeping you healthy in return!

5. Planting A Tree

With the increasing industrialization, deforestation at its peak has several harmful effects on the environment, such as climatic changes, soil erosion, and desertification. It can also result in increased greenhouse gases. One effort that can be made on our part to thank the environment is to plant a tree every month or once a year so that there are enough trees.

6. Monitoring Water Usage

Humans have exploited the resources of nature to a great extent, and maybe that’s obvious why there are situations of drought and water scarcity. Avoiding long showers and checking water taps for leakages is a step towards checking up on your share of water usage.

7. Monitoring Energy Usage

The energy is often wasted in each household, be it keeping light or fans on when not required. Unfortunately, this excess usage can have a harmful impact on the environment because several devices and appliances release gases like carbon dioxide and CFCs that are hazardous to the environment. Using eco-friendly bulbs and appliances that emit less carbon dioxide emission can be great on your part to help the environment.

8. Recycling

Recycling is an excellent step toward helping the environment. Recycling includes the conversion of waste materials into reusable objects or items. It leads to less waste product which is directly proportional to less damage to the environment.

9. Reducing Paper Usage

Reducing paper use can be a great step on our part to help the environment. Going by the tech age and limiting the use of paper as much as possible can be a great help on our part.

10. Reusing

Reusing things is another step that can help in decreasing pollution and also renders a helping hand to the environment. Reusing things does not unnecessarily litter the environment. The more reusing comes into practice, the more help it gives to the environment.

11. Proper Waste Disposal

Making categories of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste helps in the proper disposal of the waste. The surroundings and the environment are on the verge of degradation due to this unplanned waste disposal, and if this is monitored, then the environmental pollution can be limited.

12. Creating Awareness

Creating awareness about the damages that humans continuously do to the environment is very important. Humans should be made well aware that harmful effects on the environment will only lead to destruction. Conducting sessions about environmental protection is necessary and talking about it and taking actions as much as possible is the need of the hour.

Thus by taking these small steps, we can thank our environment and definitely help in making a significant change for the environment.

Go ahead! Now it’s your time to thank the environment.


Darsh is a blogger and previous owner of this website.

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