- Facts
The Psychology Of Colours Are You Aware Of Chromology?
Psychology has always left us transfixed with its revelations. Until introduced to this science, who’d have ever thought that the color of your favorite packet of chips or that of your office walls are as they are due to a more significant purpose behind them? Chromology i.e. the psychology of colors a less explored yet well-known branch of study about…
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How Well Do You Know About Dreamcatchers And Their Origin?
Aren’t dreamcatchers fascinating?Maybe that’s why people all around are so obsessed with it. But you know what’s more fascinating, the story behind this handmade willow hoop – its power and the magic. Now that dream catchers have become a significant part of Bohemian fashion; they are available in all kinds of designs, sizes, and color. But do they really catch…
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The Myths And Superstitions About Birthmarks
80% of human beings are born with random markings on their body known to be Birthmarks. These are found in different shapes and sizes, in various parts of our body. Birthmarks have significance both good and bad; as a result, they are inferred both as Angel kisses and Marks of the Devil. It seems like these marks have several interpretations influenced…
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A Mental Illness Only For The Rich Kids
Being super rich and wealthy is what most fantasize about! Let us read about a malady said to result from excessive privilege: Heard of the term “Spoiled Brat”? It refers specifically to children and teenagers (from wealthier families) who have been raised poorly and have a sense of entitlement making them Snobby, Egoistic, and Demanding. Some parents are unable to set proper…
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Ever Experienced Falling Off In Your Sleep?
Have you ever had the sudden feeling of falling off while you are sleeping? Of course, you would have like 60-70% of the people (at least once in their lifetime) have felt this sudden jolt, of falling off from a height while they are sleeping. Psychologically termed as hypnic jerks and also referred to as sleep start or night starts. A…
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