
Here is Why The Sauce Refuses To Leave The Bottle

Tomato sauce is one of those ‘luxuries’ that everyone loves adding to their favorite food. Be it Maggi or chow or fried rice or any fried food, tomato sauce is like a compulsory side dish! But do you feel irritated when the sauce refuses to come out of the bottle? Do you hate it when you have to keep jerking the bottle until the sauce decides to make a guest appearance?

Why does Tomato sauce get stuck in the bottle?

Tomato sauce is a highly viscous paste made from tomatoes, spices, and various other additives.

Hence, only shaking the bottle or applying sufficient force can move the sauce. Everyone knows that when you pour water out of a bottle, the liquid leaves the bottom of the bottle.

As a result, air bubbles through the water from the open end of the bottle replace the liquid at the bottom. Tomato sauce, however, is too viscous to allow air bubbles to pass through it easily.

This is why vacuum forms in the bottom of the bottle when the sauce moves away from it. This creates a pressure difference that works against the force of gravity and pulls the sauce downwards.

Here’s what you can do to get all the ketchup out in a jiffy

When tomato sauce stubbornly refuses to leave the bottle, there are several ways of getting it out. You can squeeze the plastic bottles to eliminate the vacuum as they are flexible. You need to hit the base of the rigid bottle to help the sauce along. However, at times, we end up with disastrous results.

The third method helps with both types of containers – simply insert a drinking straw deep into the bottle so that air can pass through the tomato sauce to the bottom.

Dr. Nida Kazi

Dr Nida Kazi is a health coach & nutritionist specialising in sports nutrition and Doctor of alternative medicine (M.D, A.M). She is a fitness enthusiast and firmly believe in the priniciple of eating right and exercising regularly. She likes exploring different cuisines and finding the interesting facts behind all foods and researching their origin. And what is life without a little sliver of nature, her interests involve hiking in the woods, going on adventurous expeditions and water sports.

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