15 Ways To Handle Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety can be defined as one’s response to stress and fear. We all feel anxious about our first day at college, a new job, giving a speech, or moving to a new place. It’s normal to have ordinary anxiety as it does not impact our everyday life. On the other hand, anxiety disorder is a feeling of extreme uneasiness and restlessness.
An individual faces emotional meltdown, worrying triggers, and panic attacks. It has an adverse effect on our life. Millions of people are facing anxiety issues today. Anxiety disorder includes social anxiety and panic disorder. One needs to find some ways which can help them reduce it.
Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorder
- Feeling of restlessness and uneasiness.
- Panic attacks
- Always tired and having difficulty sleeping.
- Having negative thoughts and emotional meltdowns all the time.
- Rapid pounding of heartbeat and chest pains.
- Always worrying
- Difficulty in breathing
- Trouble in eating and dizziness
- Trouble in concentrating and overwhelming fear.
15 Ways To Handle Anxiety Disorder
1. Meditation
The practice of meditation helps in reducing stress and negative thoughts. Meditation can make us more aware and calmer. Practice guided meditation every day, which will help you to relax.
2. Journalling
Writing down our thoughts can be a great way to deal with anxiety. The primary purpose of journaling is to have a sense of awareness by writing down your thoughts on a piece of paper.
3. Aromatherapy
The use of essential oils will help to relieve stress. Using essential oils in diffusers or tropical inhalation methods can be very beneficial. Some oils which have a soothing effect are-
- Lavender
- Chamomile
- Frankincense
- Green tea
- Cedarwood
- Rose herbs
5. Deep Breathing
The next time you feel restless or anxious, take a moment and practice deep breathing. Deep breathing can help one to create balance and regain awareness.
Simple steps to practice deep breathing-
- Sit down comfortably and close your eyes.
- Inhale slowly through your nose and then exhale.
- Continue this for 5 minutes and allow yourself to relax.
- You can even chant a mantra to focus better.
Sometimes it’s okay to take a break from work and social media. Suppose you have anxiety attacks. One can even go for a short trip to reconnect with themselves.
6. Therapy
Therapy is highly effective if someone is suffering from anxiety or even difficulty sleeping. It’s never wrong to seek help from someone. One can learn new strategies to reduce it using proper guidance.
7. Stop Or Reduce The Consumption Of Alcohol Or Drugs
The usage of drugs and alcohol won’t help anyone in solving their problems. They might further trigger them. Hence stop consuming any such substance to seek temporary escape.
8. Talk To Someone
At times sharing your feelings with someone you are comfortable with might help you.
9. Hobbies
Take out some time to indulge in things which you love to do. It’s one of the best ways to relieve your stress. Engaging in hobbies can divert you from the very thing you are anxious about.
10. Exercise
Study shows that regular exercise can help to reduce stress levels, decrease tension and stabilize our mood. One can indulge in yoga, aerobics, or other physical activities to have a healthy mind and body.
11. Dance Therapy
It is also known as movement therapy, is a great way to handle anxiety. It leads to the production of serotonin which helps to stabilize our mood.
12. Avoid Procrastination
One needs to stop procrastinating and wasting their time if they want to reduce stress. Make a to-do list organized by your priority so that you can focus better.
13. Reduce Caffeine Intake
Caffeine can increase the level of anxiety, depression, and stress. Reducing the consumption of tea, coffee, or any other drink with a high amount of caffeine can be helpful.
14. Follow A healthy Eating Pattern
In addition to your physical health, your diet also affects your mental health. You may be at greater risk of deficiency of nutrients such as magnesium and B vitamins if you do not consume enough nutrient-dense whole foods. Ensure that your body is properly nourished by eating whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, fish, nuts, and seeds instead of highly processed foods. Consequently, you may be better able to handle stress.
15. Reduce Screen Time
Many people cannot imagine their lives without their smartphones, computers, or tablets. Overusing these devices may increase stress levels even when they are sometimes necessary. Numerous studies have linked excessive smartphone use to mental health disorders and stress.
It’s natural to feel anxious while having a new experience but living with constant fear, panic attacks, and restlessness is not.
There is no instant cure for anxiety disorder, but one can reduce it by practicing some of these tips. Seeking therapy and learning strategies to reduce anxiety is very important. One needs to address the root cause of their anxiety rather than ignoring their symptoms.
NOTE- In no way is this article meant to be substituted with a doctor’s advice or professional help.