Is Drinking Urine As Medicine The New Trend?
A Lot of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. series fans would have a flashback when I say that urinating on a jellyfish sting helps to heal it. That was not just an out of the blue concept for a few laughs. That fact about peeing on the jellyfish sting goes back to historical times.
The use of urine as a cure for diseases has been used for centuries.
A few religious or spiritual practitioners prescribe urine as a medicine for a myriad of ailments.
Does Urine have the power to heal? Let’s find out what the modern science has to say about it!
A British naturopath John W. Armstrong established auto-urine therapy as an alternative medicine in the early 20th century.
He made use of urine as medicine to heal minor stings and toothaches. The Yogic texts such as ‘Vayavaharasutra‘ by Bhadrabahu and ‘Hath Yoga Pradapika‘ by Svatmarama, and Ayurvedic texts such as ‘Sushruta Samhita‘, ‘Brava Prakasha‘ and ‘Harit‘ also mention the uses of urine.
A cancerous tumor can be cured by drinking one’s own urine. The urine of a cancer patient has some tumor proteins. These tumor proteins act as antigens. This helps to fight the cancer cells. However, none of these claims have any medical research to back it up. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever to prove the therapeutic properties of urine as medicine.
Modern Day Claims
Urine is a waste product that the body is trying to get rid of. The kidneys filter out the by-products created during the metabolic processes, which are of no use to the body.
Thus, putting back in your body what the body is trying to get rid of from the system does not seem to make much sense.
In conclusion, urine does not have any major toxic effects on your body. But, it certainly does not have any healing properties.