If You Think You Are An Atheist, Read This!!
By atheist, the only thing that comes to our minds is someone who does not believe in the existence of God. No matter what their logic is, or what their reasons are, they do not happen to believe in any story related to God. If we go to the exact definition of the word Atheist, it says, “a person who disbelieves or lack belief in the existence of God”. So, atheism is all about belief.
But, there comes another term ‘Agnostic’. An Agnostic person is the one, who does not have any knowledge about the existence of God. They do not believe in God, just because they have no awareness of the subject. It is a straightforward concept, but people often confuse it with atheism. The people who are not familiar with the term agnosticism consider themselves as atheists. As atheism is all about belief, agnosticism is all about knowledge. And belief and knowledge are two very different things. They can be relatable but are entirely two different perspectives.
From these two terms, arise two more terms.
An Agnostic Atheist is a person who is a combination of both an atheist and an agnostic. They neither believe in any God nor do they claim to know anything related to God. Not knowing something may be an apparent reason for not believing it, but it is always good to collect enough evidence that serves as a piece of knowledge.
Another term is Agnostic Theist. It is a person who does not claim to know anything about God but does believe in them. Agnosticism is often mistaken as a ‘middle way’ between theism and atheism, but it is a different phenomenon with its own followers.
Awesome Blog. Very much enjoyed reading.