
  • Self Care

    8 Easy Butter Hacks

    Life without butter is definitely a sad way to live. Butter is one of the important and useful ingredients found in every kitchen. A little bit of butter in your dish makes your dish super-amazing. From making sandwiches to pasta and to even sautéed vegetables, butter can make any dish delicious and buttery. Butter is known to be an all-rounder…

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  • Fashionfashionista guide

    4 Easy Ways to Becoming a Fashionista

    The lights, the runways, the models- this is the image that we all have in our heads when we think of fashion. We like big brand names that make us look fabulous with fancy clothes and accessories. But what if you need a cheaper option for day-to-day outfits? You can’t wear stunning gowns and elegant suits everywhere you go. Here…

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  • Facts

    6 Simple Hacks on How To Remove Stains From Your Clothes

    We all have nightmares. Nightmares where you wake up with intense fear and sweat realizing that something terrible just happened. But, the good part is that you do not worry about it because it was just a terror dream. You know what’s actually horrifying? Your nightmares actually coming true! STAINS is one of them. There you are, wearing a white…

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