11 Symptoms of PCOS

PCOS stands for Polycystic ovary syndrome. It results in an imbalance of female hormones resulting in enlargement of the ovaries. There is also the development of several cysts on the outer side. Recent studies rank PCOS as the most common uterine disorder in females globally.
Statistical study shows that “One in five per cent of the Indian women suffer from PCOS.”
The age groups most prone to PCOS are between 12 and 36 years.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome further comes with several ill effects. One of them is decreased chances of fertility.
PCOS has a variety of symptoms. Not all who have PCOS have a standard set of symptoms. Their symptoms may vary accordingly and also depending on the different body types. Some of the symptoms found in 80 to 90% of females who have PCOS are listed below.
1. Irregularities In Menstruation
People with PCOS often have an irregular menstrual cycle. They experience delayed periods, less flow, and missed menstrual cycle dates.
2. Sudden Weight Gain
If you experience a sudden weight gain, then it might be due to PCOS. This sudden weight gain is the most common symptom of PCOS. Thus doctors recommend having an apt weight according to the Body mass index to beat PCOS.
3. Obesity
Often, overheating or excessive junk intake is cited as the typical reason for obesity, but many are unaware that PCOS can be the reason behind it.
4. Excessive Hair Growth
Females who experience excessive hair growth on their bodies are due to PCOS. The hair may grow on the face, chin, arms, and legs. The hair may be thick and hard.
5. Increased Acne
PCOS also results in oily and pimple faces. The person may experience acne, which wouldn’t go away quickly. The acne may range from moderate to severe, causing irritation and redness in the face.
6. Oily Skin
Another symptom of PCOS is oily skin. It triggers the sweat glands and oil-producing glands resulting in oily and sweaty skin.
7. Thinning Of Scalp Hair
PCOS results in thinning of scalp hair, due to which hair loss is quite common, along with severe thinning of hair.
8. Depression
Mood swings, anger issues, periods of sadness are all quite common. PCOS also is the reason why females end up in depression slowly with time. Due to the hormonal imbalance, one is often in low moods and suffers pangs of sadness.
9. Infertility
There can be many reasons for infertility, and PCOS can be one of them. The uterine wall may have a chance of becoming weak and incapable of holding the embryo. If there are many cysts in the uterus, then fertility cannot take place.
10. Belly Fat
An increase in body fat due to PCOS is known to all, but belly fat is a crucial symptom.
11. Baldness
Due to thinning of hair, some females can even experience baldness. Loss of hair and thinning of hair can be due to PCOS, but in several severe cases, baldness is noticed.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can be cured or instead managed if one takes small steps daily. A healthy lifestyle or a change in faulty food habits can regulate the problems. Many doctors recommend small, manageable steps for this ovary syndrome. So, let go of all the worries because these steps are at your service, which, if followed, promise you a healthier, and hopefully, a better life!
This article is not the ultimate answer. Everyone may experience unique side effects, and it is essential to take medical experts’ advice and truly understand your situation. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome isn’t just something that can be rid of only with weight loss or healthy diets. However, all this article presents is the possibility of leading a healthier lifestyle.
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