
History of Laughter: LOL! Laughter Too Has An Amazing History!

It's incredible to know

History of Laughter

Laughter is the best medicine. Indeed it’s true as laughing even for five minutes a day can cure you of stress and depression. Seeing a child laugh automatically brings a smile on your face and makes you feel happy.

But have you ever thought about this beautiful emotional-action was done for the first time? We did, and we traced the history to check out its amazing origin and evolution!

history of laughter
via – stackpathdns.com

Laughter originated from chimpanzees, and it continued to early humans.

Chimpanzees’ laughter is not readily recognizable to humans as such, because it is generated by alternating inhalations and exhalations that sound more like breathing and panting.

laughter origin from chimpanzees
Via – montclareschool.org

King Solomon in 931 B.C.  gave the earliest accounts of the healing power of laughter.

The ancient Greek physicians prescribed their patients to visit the hall of comedians. They send their patients to the theater to be entertained as a part of the healing process. Till date, the doctors suggest that the patients should focus on positive and happy things and do things that give them pleasure because it helps in quick recovery.

Early Native Americans had clowns who worked with Witch Doctors. They too realized the powerful effects of humor and laughter in healing. The 3rd most important person in the tribe was the clown.

Throughout the centuries Court Jesters were hired to relieve the royalty’s stress from their governing duties.

In the 14th Century, French surgeon – Henri de Mondeville used humor and laughter therapy to aid recovery from surgery.

He wrote, “Let the surgeon take care to regulate the whole regiment of the patient’s life for joy and happiness allowing his relatives and special friends to cheer him and by having someone tell him jokes.”

Even today people join laughter clubs to keep the happiness quotient in their lives alive.

laughter therapy for recovery
Via – darticlesonline.com

A hearty laugh can never be out of style so don’t hesitate to bring out the child in you and laugh your heart out. What are your views on this article? Let us know in comments below.

Read also: Know about the quirky leech therapy and its benefits 
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Niharika Dadoo

I am currently pursuing Psychology. An avid reader, I love to play with colors on the canvas and express myself through writing. Niharika

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