Best Guerrilla Marketing Techniques and Lesser-Known Facts About Them

In this modern world, everyone has the desire to gain profits. Marketing plays a great role in this process and it is the most common method used in today’s society. But marketing has its own subtypes and each and every one of them have their own rules and regulations.
The most popular among all the marketing strategies is Guerrilla marketing. Well, many of us might have never heard about it. But trust me, every one of us needs to know about it. It also follows the system of advertisement. In simple words, it is a strategy where a company makes surprise interactions with others in order to promote their products. It further also helps them to sell their products at a high rate. In other terms, it can also be named as “publicity”. There are numerous strategies used in Guerrilla marketing. The aim of this marketing system is to make people permanently remember about a specific product. This is the most inexpensive marketing technique.

A very high range of strategies are used in the Guerrilla marketing system. The most famous among them is the graffiti. Graffiti is used in various ways and it has its own subtypes. Stencil graffiti is helpful to create instances of art across numerous spaces. It uses stencils that are small in size. On the other hand, reverse graffiti removes dirt from the street and makes a marking message for the buyers. The undercover marketing is another system of Guerrilla marketing where the marketers go between the customers by disguising themselves. In this situation, marketers can also use online marketing campaigns in the form of viral videos, creative landing pages and user-generated content competitions.

Publicity stunts are another way of using Guerrilla marketing. In this system, a product is sponsored in partnership with a particular brand. If marketers think of promoting their products in a more fun way, they can use the treasure hunts. This process is like a game. In this system, the clues are posted online that lead to items hidden in different cities. The customers can also get rewards and prizes and also a few hints for the next treasure hunt.
Guerrilla marketing is less expensive than classic advertising and mainly when the system of stencil graffiti is used to promote a product. Innovative ideas are used in this system which is more helpful and it can easily impress the customers and make them more eager to buy the product. The use of publicity can lead to the products being picked up by the news sources and that also brings a huge amount of profit for the marketers.
However, lots of people are unaware of the fact that Guerrilla marketing also has a lot of disadvantages. The biggest among them is that sometimes the objective is misunderstood by the audience. This is possible if the aim and the pros and cons of the product are not clear to the audience. If the events don’t take place in the perfect time slots, that can also lead to a huge loss for the marketers. The marketers might face backlash if the undercover marketing campaign fails to execute properly.

All in whole, it can be said that in this age of modernization where industrialization and artificial machinery is used at the same rate, guerrilla marketing can prove to be a very effective tool of increasing profit for marketers by promoting products and invest a large amount of money on the welfare and development of the economy for a better country.