Interesting Facts About Sneezing That Will Astonish You
How many do you know out of all?

Facts About Sneezing
Sneezing is a quick unplanned removal of air from the nose and mouth. It occurs due to irritation of one’s nostrils. Nostrils lining is sensitive. It reacts to dust, pollen, and animal fur, etc. When these irritants enter into our nose, our brain gets a signal to get rid of them. We sneeze.
So, when you take a deep breath and hold it, the muscles in the chest tightens. And that pressure pushes your tongue, the air move out of your nose when you release your breath.
Huh, quite a complex process which happens within seconds or even milliseconds.
Here, you will get to know about interesting facts about sneezing.
- Your heart doesn’t stop when you sneeze. Sneezing stops your heart for a second, that’s a myth. But the flow of your heartbeat changes when you sneeze. This happens because of the pressure in your chest changes. Also, it change your flow of blood in the body.
- A sneeze can travel up to 100 miles an hour. The faster the air moves out of the nose, the louder the sneeze, the more it travels. It can release also 100,000 germs into the air. That’s the speed of a racing car!
- The longest sneeze lasted for 978 days. Sneeze could have carry his nose away! Till now, it is longest snap recorded in Guinness book of World Records. The record was set by Donna Griffiths of England.
- Have you ever noticed, why you don’t sneeze while sleeping? This is because the nerves that send a signal to the brain gets shut off while sleeping.
- Everytime we go under the sun, we sneeze. We call it as photic sneeze reflex or the sunshine sneeze. Your nose can’t bear the sunshine. As a result the particles gets irritated, and you sneeze.
- Since childhood, we cover our nose and mouth while sneezing. But we don’t know the reason for doing so. The spray from your sneeze can travel 5 feet or more. That’s surprising!
- Sneezing is a workout. One sneeze catches your throat, chest and belly. So, sneezing is a workout.
- A single sneeze can produce up to 40,000 droplets.
- Your eyes closes when you sneeze. It’s an unplanned action, so you can’t keep them open. When our brain receives the signal to sneeze, it also signals your eyes to close.
- Trying to hold in a sneeze can hurt: If you try to hold a sneeze, it can cause broken blood vessels in the eyes, and break ear drums. So, never control it.
Why do we bless someone who sneezes?
The early view behind a post-sneeze blessing is that sneezing is a near-death event. Also, that a blessing will prevent your inner self from escaping your body. In some cultures, there is no response to another person’s sneeze. In others, they may wish you ‘good health’, ‘long life’, or ‘God bless’.
Summing up
Sneezing helps to keep your body safe. “Sneezing is an important part. It helps us to be healthy”. Next time when you sneeze, you will remember all these interesting, weird and funny facts about sneezing.
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