Major Facts About Albert Einstein That You May Not Know
Are you completely known to this one of the renowned scientists?
E = mc2 Remember this equation? Of course, how can anyone forget this small but highly complicated equation that we learned in our school days and many scholars are studying till yet and who discovered this equation – Sir Albert Einstein. The Nobel prize winner who is responsible for many crucial discoveries won Nobel Prize in Physics, not for his most famous equation as it is just the most famous because of its application in war. He got his Nobel prize for proving that light comes in quantum particles, not just waves.
In the world of science, Einstein successfully marked his place forever. He is the one who demonstrated the link between mass and energy that led to the nuclear energy today. He is the one who observed the zigzag movement particles in suspension, helped to prove the existence of atoms and molecules. He is the one who explained that time and motion are relative to their observers. He is the one behind the Manhattan project. These all are his masterworks that made him immortal and memorable forever. But, there is a lot to know about him, so let’s have a look at the story:
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Here, Have A Glance At The Life Journey Of Albert Einstein
Inventions and Discoveries?
- Einstein field equations
- General relativity and special relativity
- Theory of Brownian motion
- Cosmological constant
- Unified field theory
- Photoelectric effect
- Gravitational wave
- EPR paradox
- Nobel Prize in Physics(1921)
- Barnard Medal(1920)
- Copley Medal(1925)
- Max Planck Medal(1929)
- ForMemRS(1921)
- Matteucci Medal(1921)
Study Life
- ETH Zurich
- University of Zurich
March 14, 1879
Place of birth
Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany
18 April 1955
Death place
Princeton, New Jersey, United States
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Short notes:
- Einstein is popular for his formula E = mc2.
- In 1915, he completed his work on General Theory of Relativity.
- In 1921, he received a Nobel Prize in physics.
- His intellectual achievements and his originality made his last name “Einstein” synonymous with the word “genius” all over the world.
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