What Is Acne And Why Does It Happen?
Acne is a prevalent skin disease. In the most straightforward words, it is a condition when the pores of our skin become clogged. Though it is not dangerous yet, sometimes it can be extreme and leave permanent marks on our skin. People of all age groups are affected, but puberty is the most prominent age group.
Acne typically appears on the areas of skin where we have most of the oil glands like the face, chest, forehead, shoulders, etc. When the skin’s pores are blocked by dead skin, oil, bacteria, dirt, etc. Here are a few factors:
· Excessive oil production
· Bacterial infection
· Inflammation
· Hormonal Imbalance
(Menstruation in women can also lead to acne, which is generally due to hormone fluctuation during that period.)
Acne Can Be Of Different Types:
• Cysts
• Pimples
• Blackheads
• Whiteheads
• Papules
• Pustules
What Can Make Acne Worse?
• Picking at the sores.
• Clothing and headgear, like hats and sports helmets.
• Air pollution and certain weather conditions, exceptionally high humidity.
• Using oily or greasy personal care products like heavy lotions, creams, hair waxes, etc.
• Stress
• Some medications.
• Genetics.
• Fluctuating hormone levels around the time of a woman’s period
(Hormonal Changes: Androgens are hormones that increase during puberty and cause oil glands to enlarge and make more oil. Excessive oil breakdown the cellular walls in the pores and causes bacteria’s enlargement.)
- Food or sweets:
Some studies have linked foods and diets to acne. Eating a balanced diet full of nutrition and with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables helps reduce inflammation. Eating fish can also help.
How Serious Can Acne Get?
Mild: These are primarily whiteheads and blackheads
Moderate: These are primarily papules and pustules
Moderately severe: Chest and back affected by papules and pustules.
Severe: Large and painful pimples, pustules.
The treatment depends on the condition’s severity, your age, the type of acne you have, and how practical the remedies have been; you may need more potent prescription medications. Various medications and therapies have proven to be effective. Azelaic acid is a natural acid that kills microorganisms on the skin and reduces swelling.
Depending on the condition, health care providers might suggest therapy for acne like medications, lasers, steroids, or chemical peels.
Lasers are usually used to treat acne scars. A laser delivers heat to the scarred collagen under the skin, relying on the body’s wound healing response to create new.
Chemical Peels uses special chemicals to remove the layer of old skin. When the top layer is removed, the new skin starts growing. The new skin is smoother and can lessen acne scars.
Steroids can be used to treat severe acne or injected into large pimples to reduce inflammation.
• Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a soap/facewash specially made for acne.
• Avoid popping pimples. Popping pimples make them grow more.
• Avoid touching your face.
• Do not scrub the skin.
• If on a call, make sure your phone is at a distance from your face
• Wash hands before applying cream or lotion.
• If you wear spectacles, make sure you clean them regularly (they collect oil from your face).
• If acne is in your body (chest or shoulders), make sure you wear loose clothes so they won’t pop.
• Avoid oil-based products and say Hi! to water-based ones.
• Keep your hair clean as it also collects oil.
• Stay hydrated
• Routinely use moisturiser.
• Avoid going out in the sun
Acne is a skin disease, so please do not let it affect your confidence. You are still beautiful/ handsome. Though there are various home remedies and suggestions on the internet like taking oral contraceptives or antibiotics to treat acne, from my personal experience, I recommend you to always seek professional advice as taking these medicines can affect your health.
Oiling your hair and keeping it overnight can worsen the problem, so we recommend you either use Jojoba oil and wash your face after one hour or use curd to nourish your hair locks and wash after an hour or so. Do look up allergies and foods that make your skin flare-up.