Health and Wellness

25 Indoor Plants Will Help You To Sleep Like A Baby

Not everyone is blessed with baby-like sleep! Most of us go to sleep with a stressed mind and with a lot of things running around in our head that kill the peace of mind- something that is necessary for a good sleep. This leads to us having disturbed sleep that can affect our body, mind, and daily work!

Basically, a great sleep cycle is what keeps your life cycle in perfect condition. So, for the readers who do not get adequate sleep or a peaceful sleep, Mother Nature offers you a wide variety of indoor plants that you can keep in your bedroom to help you relax and sleep better!

25 Indoor Plants Will Help You To Sleep Like A Baby

1. Aloe Vera

image source This plant is widely known for its herbal and beauty enhancement properties. However, little is known about its power to calm a person down. This indoor plant can be grown easily with less effort. It is known as the ‘Plant of Immortality’ since it reproduces very easily. Aloe Vera is one of the few indoor plants that give out oxygen at night, which helps cure insomnia and induces healthy sleep for a person to wake up fresh and brisk the next day.

2. English Ivy Plant

This is another easy-to-grow plant that is scientifically proven by NASA to help cure Asthma. Patients suffering from Asthma usually have trouble breathing at night. The English Ivy Plant is known to have the power to absorb 94% of air mold that causes allergies and exacerbates Asthma. This plant helps to treat one’s health issues and also induces good sleep by removing contaminants from your bedside space.

3. Lavender Plant

Lavender is known for its fragrance and oils that help bring out a great ambiance in a room. That is why Lavender essence is used mainly for making fragrance sticks, fragrant oils, perfumes, and room fresheners. But, it is not only the fragrance that is great, the fragrance helps reduce stress and anxiety and helps to calm the mind, giving the person peace of mind while sleeping.

5. Jasmine Plant

Jasmine is known as the queen of the night for its fragrance and the ambiance it creates. This is one of the most sought flowers by Indian women and many women keep jasmine flowers in their head. This is not just for beautification. The fragrance helped women get better sleep at night since it reduced stress and anxiety. The fragrance of the Jasmine has a calming effect. It is also proven to absorb air toxins. If one has noticed, different kinds of Jasmine also bloom specifically at night like the ‘Parijatha’. The jasmine plants in and around the house help in providing its owners a peaceful sleep.

Certainly! Growing indoor plants at home can enhance the beauty of your living space, improve air quality, and promote a sense of well-being. Here are some indoor plants that are relatively easy to grow and maintain:

6. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

  • Benefits: Thrives in low light conditions and helps purify the air by removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene.
  • Care: Requires infrequent watering and prefers indirect sunlight. Well-draining soil is essential to prevent root rot.

7. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

  • Benefits: Easy to grow and produces small “spiderettes” that dangle from long stems, making it an attractive hanging plant. Effective at removing indoor air pollutants.
  • Care: Prefers bright, indirect light and moderate watering. Can tolerate a wide range of temperatures.

8. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

  • Benefits: Known for its trailing vines and heart-shaped leaves. Thrives in low light conditions and helps improve indoor air quality.
  • Care: Allow the soil to dry between waterings. Pothos can tolerate low light but will grow more slowly. Trim back leggy growth to encourage bushiness.

9. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

  • Benefits: Produces elegant white flowers and glossy green leaves. Known for its air-purifying qualities and ability to remove toxins like formaldehyde and ammonia.
  • Care: Prefers moderate to low light and consistently moist soil. Keep away from direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn.

10. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

  • Benefits: Requires minimal care and thrives in low light conditions. Known for its glossy, dark green foliage and architectural appearance.
  • Care: Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. ZZ plants are drought-tolerant and can withstand neglect.

11. Aloe Vera

  • Benefits: Known for its medicinal properties and gel-filled leaves that soothe skin irritations. Requires minimal maintenance and can tolerate neglect.
  • Care: Prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent root rot.

12. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

  • Benefits: Features large, glossy leaves and adds a bold statement to indoor spaces. Effective at purifying indoor air and removing toxins.
  • Care: Requires bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, but avoid overwatering.

13. Philodendron

  • Benefits: Comes in various varieties with different leaf shapes and colors. Easy to grow and suitable for beginners.
  • Care: Prefers indirect light and well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.

14. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

  • Benefits: Known for its striking foliage patterns and ability to thrive in low light conditions. Helps purify indoor air.
  • Care: Prefers low to moderate light and consistently moist soil. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering.

15. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

  • Benefits: Compact size and graceful fronds make it ideal for small spaces. Thrives in low light conditions and helps humidify indoor air.
  • Care: Requires consistently moist soil and indirect light. Mist the leaves occasionally to increase humidity.

16. Monstera Deliciosa

  • Benefits: Known for its iconic Swiss cheese-like leaves and tropical appearance. Adds a touch of drama and elegance to indoor spaces.
  • Care: Prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.

17. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata)

  • Benefits: Features large, violin-shaped leaves that create a striking visual impact. Adds a touch of sophistication to interior decor.
  • Care: Requires bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Keep soil evenly moist but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

18. Peperomia

  • Benefits: Comes in various leaf shapes, colors, and textures. Compact size makes it suitable for small spaces and tabletops.
  • Care: Prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, as overwatering can lead to root rot.

19. String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)

  • Benefits: Features long, trailing stems adorned with spherical leaves resembling pearls. Adds a unique and whimsical touch to hanging baskets.
  • Care: Requires bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, as overwatering can cause root rot.

20. Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)

  • Benefits: Known for its resilience and ability to thrive in low light conditions. Features dark green, leathery leaves that add texture to indoor spaces.
  • Care: Prefers low to moderate light and well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, as it is drought-tolerant.

21. Bromeliad

  • Benefits: Features vibrant, tropical foliage and exotic flowers. Adds a splash of color and tropical flair to indoor settings.
  • Care: Prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Water the central cup of the plant and keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged.

22. African Violet (Saintpaulia)

  • Benefits: Produces clusters of colorful flowers year-round. Compact size makes it ideal for windowsills and tabletops.
  • Care: Prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Water the soil from the bottom to avoid getting the leaves wet.

23. Air Plants (Tillandsia)

  • Benefits: Require no soil and absorb moisture and nutrients through their leaves. Versatile and can be displayed in various creative ways.
  • Care: Requires bright, indirect light and occasional misting or soaking in water. Allow the plant to dry completely after watering to prevent rot.

24. Calathea

  • Benefits: Known for its decorative foliage with intricate patterns and vibrant colors. Adds a touch of exotic beauty to indoor spaces.
  • Care: Prefers bright, indirect light and high humidity. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, and avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn.

25. Zebra Plant (Haworthiopsis attenuata)

  • Benefits: Features striking, striped foliage that resembles a zebra’s pattern. Easy to care for and suitable for beginners.
  • Care: Prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, as overwatering can cause root rot.

Introducing these indoor plants into your home can not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also contribute to a healthier and more inviting living environment. Enjoy the process of caring for and watching your indoor garden thrive!

These indoor plants can add vibrancy and freshness to your home while requiring minimal maintenance. Remember to consider factors such as lighting, humidity, and watering needs when selecting indoor plants for your living space. Enjoy the process of nurturing and caring for your indoor greenery!

So, readers! Have you got yourself a pot of each indoor plant? If not, get one soon and spread the message! Because statistics have shown that more than 80% of the world’s adult population does not get proper sleep, thanks to work schedules and deadlines that stick to your mind at all times!

Meghna Gopal

Meghna Gopal is a name synonymous with perfection, hardwork and dedication. She's very committed to her goals and is diligent with her work. While most people are debating whether she's a scary opponent because of her amazing skills to excel in any field or if she's the perfect friend because she's caring and helps everyone out, Meghna is out debating at prestigious competitions across the country. An avid debater, MUNner, singer and what not, her taking up the honour of taking up BBA honours. at Christ University is a sign that she's going to diversify herself while proving time and again why she's the best at what she does. This is yet another adventure that she's going to embark upon, to help not only herself but everyone she can find. Remember the name, Meghna Gopal because if you don't, you'll regret it later.

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