
  • 8 Easy Butter Hacks

    Life without butter is definitely a sad way to live. Butter is one of the important and useful ingredients found in every kitchen. A little bit of butter in your dish makes your dish super-amazing. From making sandwiches to pasta and to even sautéed vegetables, butter can make any dish delicious and buttery. Butter is known to be an all-rounder…

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  • Breakfast

    10 Most Common Breakfast Myths

    Break the fast= Breakfast Breakfast is the most debatable meal. Besides, you have heard many fitness influencers convincing you to start your day with a healthy breakfast. If you have skipped breakfast before, this pandemic has surely made you sit down to have a delicious ‘maa ke haath ka breakfast’. 10 Most Common Breakfast Myths 1. Desi food is not…

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  • Healthy Summer Fruits

    10 Healthy Summer Fruits That Should Be On Your Plate

    The summer season is a delightful time of the year when you look for everything refreshing. It always calls for something reviving to soothe you. The season comes with newness everywhere, the shiny roads, dazzling beaches, colorful gardens, and especially the grocery stores stocked up with different types of fruits and vegetables. New harvesting season fills up the market with…

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  • Healthy Juices

    10 Healthy Juices To Add To Your Diet

    Juices are an easy way of ensuring that you don’t miss out on your daily dose of fruits and veggies, which you otherwise may not get time to have. Juicing separates the liquid from the solid part of the vegetable, which includes the fibers and seeds. It is an easy process, and all you need is a juicer and fruits…

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  • Benefits of Tea

    10 Exclusive Benefits of Tea

    The benefits of tea are those real benefits that work towards healing the body and improving health. There are numerous types of teas you can find in different parts of the world. Scientifically, tea contains antioxidants that protect the body from pollution. Tea has been proved to be the drink that freshens up the mind and charges a person with…

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