Dr. Nida Kazi

Dr Nida Kazi is a health coach & nutritionist specialising in sports nutrition and Doctor of alternative medicine (M.D, A.M). She is a fitness enthusiast and firmly believe in the priniciple of eating right and exercising regularly. She likes exploring different cuisines and finding the interesting facts behind all foods and researching their origin. And what is life without a little sliver of nature, her interests involve hiking in the woods, going on adventurous expeditions and water sports.
  • Factsindia's first cherry blossom festival

    India’s First Cherry Blossom Festival

    Every year tourist flocks down to Japan to observe the cherry blossom festival at the advent of spring. The lush green trees totally covered in baby pink and white blossoms is a sight to behold. But now, why travel miles and miles long when you can bask in the glory of the blossoms right here? Via – static.thenortheasttoday.com India’s First…

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  • HistoryWalls of Ston

    The Walls Of Ston Second Greatest Wall In The World

    When you think of the greatest wall in the world, your mind goes straight to the Great Wall of China. That is one majestic wall known to all humanity and ranks 1st in the world. But what about this close second? The ‘Walls of Ston’ in Croatia. This wall is the second-largest wall in Europe and possibly in the world!…

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  • Health and WellnessListening To Music

    Are You Feeling Blue? Listening To Music Can Make You Happy!

    There are some sounds that appeal to us in a way that uplifts us, soothes us, takes us into a different state altogether, and then there are some that annoy us to no end. Have you ever climbed uphill & walked for kilometers at a stretch, feeling totally drained out and exhausted? Then you reach a point where you hear…

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  • Factsaurora lights

    Did You Know About These Tales Associated With The Aurora Lights?

    Aurora lights are natural phenomena where a display of light and colors is seen across the sky. And it is very commonly known as the “Northern Lights”. These lights get their name as they are seen in the Northern Hemisphere of the Arctic Circle. Although it’s not only seen in the Northern zone, the Southern Hemisphere has its own light show…

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  • Health and Wellnessfood affects your mood

    How Food Affects Your Mood?

    “We are what we eat.” We have heard this quote time and again. How does food affect your mood? But what we need to realize is that the relation of food to our bodies goes way beyond the superficial ways of knowing what to eat and how much. Via – femanna.com Today everyone is geared up to be fitter. They…

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