Ashrika Tyagi

A journalism student and freelancer who believe in destiny and doings. A strong reader and a versatile writer who mould her hand to write for what encounters her fate. Daze towards the art of clothing, bought her to possess a fashion blog. A sheer ardour inhibited with stories and notions and a million words which hesitated to appear on the spell, but bloomed flamboyantly in the words.
  • Fashion

    Ear piercing: Ever Wondered Why Do We Pierce Our Ears?

    History of Ear piercing Via: Ear piercing is not just a fashion statement! Wearing them has an acupuncture-effect on the body. In ancient China, earrings were developed for health purposes rather than female embellishment purposes. The father of Western medicine, Hippocrates, wrote about ear piercing and earring wearing around 470 B.C. as a remedy and treatment for menstrual problems.…

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  • Factssuperstitions

    Where Do Superstitions Come From?

    What do you think about an itchy palm? how do you feel about number 13? What hits in mind when you encounter a cat crossing your way? many suspected these as an effect to the human’s luck or life and other ones simply ignored these theories. The Origin via- Superstitions exist all over the world. The superstitions remarked their…

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  • Factsshinchan

    Who Was Shinchan In Real Life? A Heart Thrashing Story

    Kids run, jump, and race around the house when it is 5 pm, which means time for “Shinchan.” This cartoon has succeeded in influencing not just little kids but adults as well and to our amazement, the old aged too. The episodes are gaining global fame for just a bunch of lame jokes and a terrifically humorous story plot. Black…

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